Redneck Solutions (29 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 2 Feb, 2022  |
  • Views: 1837  |
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1 Redneck Solutions (29 pics)

2 Redneck Solutions (29 pics)

3 Redneck Solutions (29 pics)

4 Redneck Solutions (29 pics)

5 Redneck Solutions (29 pics)

"When you use an old computer mouse to pull the flush on the toilet."

6 Redneck Solutions (29 pics)

7 Redneck Solutions (29 pics)

8 Redneck Solutions (29 pics)

“Didn’t have a 9v but had 2 AAA and some aluminum foil.”

9 Redneck Solutions (29 pics)

“Shop towel dispenser, snug fit”

10 Redneck Solutions (29 pics)

“A pair of winter boots and some tape”

11 Redneck Solutions (29 pics)

“A mason jar light cover”

12 Redneck Solutions (29 pics)

“When you’re too lazy to paddle”

13 Redneck Solutions (29 pics)

14 Redneck Solutions (29 pics)

“The coffee pot handle broke off at the top. Zip ties to the rescue!”

15 Redneck Solutions (29 pics)

"’’Smart’’ transportation"

16 Redneck Solutions (29 pics)

’’My solution to the heatwave’’

17 Redneck Solutions (29 pics)

’’My village’s new solution to stop speeding’’

18 Redneck Solutions (29 pics)

’’Someone messed up my nephew’s haircut and this was my sister’s most logical solution to fix it.’’

19 Redneck Solutions (29 pics)

’’My dad needed to study.’’

20 Redneck Solutions (29 pics)

"When you absolutely want a Limo but can’t afford it:"

21 Redneck Solutions (29 pics)

’’My new solution for chopping onions’’

22 Redneck Solutions (29 pics)

23 Redneck Solutions (29 pics)

24 Redneck Solutions (29 pics)

"A mailbox and a ’’box for mail’’"

25 Redneck Solutions (29 pics)

’’My solution to my contacts arriving late’’

26 Redneck Solutions (29 pics)

’’My buddy’s old homemade chopper’’

27 Redneck Solutions (29 pics)

’’Why spend $100 on a monitor stand when you can use 3 sticks of hot glue.’’

28 Redneck Solutions (29 pics)

’’My son wanted to play hide-and-seek. He might go pro.’’

29 Redneck Solutions (29 pics)


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