Time Changes Everything (20 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 2 Feb, 2022  |
  • Views: 1457  |
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“Old vs New Monopoly pieces”

1 Time Changes Everything (20 pics)

“Day 1 vs Year 7”

2 Time Changes Everything (20 pics)

“My 3-year-old daughter’s much-loved rabbit, and its Christmas identical replacement”

3 Time Changes Everything (20 pics)

“Finally got a new brush after 3+ years of use.”

4 Time Changes Everything (20 pics)

“Same sweater, approximately 10 years difference”

5 Time Changes Everything (20 pics)

“My daughter’s well-loved Pip vs Brand-new”

6 Time Changes Everything (20 pics)

“$500 bundles of $1 bills, Uncirculated vs Circulated”

7 Time Changes Everything (20 pics)

“My brother’s ‘Ty’ calico cat 20 years apart, from his childhood vs The one I gifted him for his last birthday”

8 Time Changes Everything (20 pics)

“My girlfriend replaced my favorite hat for me for Christmas.”

9 Time Changes Everything (20 pics)

“A 2-year filled bullet journal compared with a fresh one for the new year.”

10 Time Changes Everything (20 pics)

“Some people thought my 7-year-old SpongeBob wallet belonged here.”

11 Time Changes Everything (20 pics)

“New vs ~2 month old Scotch-Brite pad”

12 Time Changes Everything (20 pics)

“Out with the old, in with the new!”

13 Time Changes Everything (20 pics)

“These boots were made for walking... 4 years of wear and found the same boot still available!”

14 Time Changes Everything (20 pics)

“2 decks of cards, one deck used daily, one deck just opened”

15 Time Changes Everything (20 pics)

“My 20-year-old panda I got as a kid on the left vs A brand new one I got for Christmas on the right”

16 Time Changes Everything (20 pics)

“Mom’s kitchen towel”

17 Time Changes Everything (20 pics)

“This wooden spoon my mom has had for 30+ years.”

18 Time Changes Everything (20 pics)

“My puppy’s favorite unicorn and its Christmas replacement”

19 Time Changes Everything (20 pics)

“A mini notebook I use for work vs A brand-new one”

20 Time Changes Everything (20 pics)


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