Superstitions Around The World (20 pics)

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  • 21 Jan, 2022  |
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Some women in Rwanda won’t eat goat meat. The belief is that goat meat causes facial hair growth.

1 Superstitions Around The World (20 pics)

Hide your kids! Hide your thumbs! Huh? In Japan, some people hide their thumbs when passing a graveyard. Why? The Japanese word for thumb translates to “parent-finger.” Hiding your thumb meant you were protecting your parents from death.

2 Superstitions Around The World (20 pics)

A German superstition states that if you cheers with a glass of water, you’re secretly wishing that they will die. You also have to make eye contact while you cheers or you’ll be doomed to have several years of bad sex.

3 Superstitions Around The World (20 pics)

Oh wow! What a beautiful bouquet of yellow flowers. Not in Russia. Some believe that yellow flowers mean you are putting an infidelity curse on the floral recipient. 
If you give anyone something sharp as a present, be sure to include a coin or two. The sharp blade supposedly severs the relationship while the money pulls it back together. Similarly, if you gift someone a wallet, you should put some money inside. Otherwise you’re dooming that person to a life of poverty.

4 Superstitions Around The World (20 pics)

Saying “Happy Birthday” or celebrating a birthday before the actual day is bad luck.

5 Superstitions Around The World (20 pics)

An Indian legend says that getting your haircut on Tuesday will cause you nothing but bad luck.

6 Superstitions Around The World (20 pics)

Don’t stick chopsticks straight up in your food. They are believed to look like incense sticks used at funerals and the number four - an unlucky number in Japan.
In Korea, some pregnant women stay away from oddly shaped food. They believe that their kid will end up being ugly and oddly shaped.

7 Superstitions Around The World (20 pics)

Pagpag is a Filipino belief that if you head home right after a funeral or wake a bad spirit could follow you home.

8 Superstitions Around The World (20 pics)

A Japanese superstition wants you to avoid sleeping with your head facing North. Apparently, that’s how the dead get laid to rest. The same superstition applies to parts of Africa except they don’t want you facing West.
Don’t sing at the table in the Netherland. Why? Some think that you’re singing to the devil for your food. Can I at least shout? Shout at the devil? Or sing Tequila at least?

9 Superstitions Around The World (20 pics)

Some folks in Iceland believe that knitting outside means that you will prolong the cold winter weather.

10 Superstitions Around The World (20 pics)

In Lithuania, it's forbidden to whistle indoors. The high-pitched sound is said to summon demons.

11 Superstitions Around The World (20 pics)

Brides in Ireland have worn bells on their wedding dresses to ward off evil spirits trying to ruin their marriage. Here I am thinking it’s Uncle Fred’s speech after welcoming too many spirits (…of whiskey) that would have that effect. 
Don’t put your shoes on the table or you will kill your Uncle Bob. Placing shoes on the table used to be how you would let your family know that the shoe owner had died.

12 Superstitions Around The World (20 pics)

Don’t put two mirrors opposite of each other. The reflection loop is thought to open a doorway to Hell.

13 Superstitions Around The World (20 pics)

Owls are bad omens. They represent bad news coming in an Egyptian superstition and in Italy, an owl at your house means a family member is about to kick it. Wait, is Harry Potter a horror movie?
Do you have any superstitions? Let me know in the comments below.

14 Superstitions Around The World (20 pics)

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