Kids Drawings (20 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 17 Jan, 2022  |
  • Views: 1381  |
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My daughter’s kindergarten class published a book of their animal drawings. My daughter drew a penis dolphin.

1 Kids Drawings (20 pics)

My niece drew this at school yesterday.

2 Kids Drawings (20 pics)

My 3-year-old drew a camel.

3 Kids Drawings (20 pics)

That time my niece put eyebrows on the dog because she thought she had no expressions...

4 Kids Drawings (20 pics)

Friend’s 9 year-old nephew was asked to show his work or to describe how he got his answer. His reply: “just use my brain” and drew this to show his work.

5 Kids Drawings (20 pics)

I thought I’d post my daughters lovely picture of us on bicycles here as well

6 Kids Drawings (20 pics)

My 5yo daughter made a ghost for class and I can’t stop laughing at it.

7 Kids Drawings (20 pics)

My friend's 9-year old daughter is wise beyond her years

8 Kids Drawings (20 pics)

My Daughter's Holiday Craft... Need to talk to her Kindergarten Teacher

9 Kids Drawings (20 pics)

My daughter drew a picture of her future baby brother. “That’s the tube that feeds the baby.”

10 Kids Drawings (20 pics)

11 Kids Drawings (20 pics)

My daughter drew a picture of me today. Have to say, it is pretty accurate!

12 Kids Drawings (20 pics)

My daughter drew a river and lake.

13 Kids Drawings (20 pics)

My daughter got an etch a sketch today for her 8th birthday. She drew a cat puking.

14 Kids Drawings (20 pics)

My kid drew eyebrows and a mustache on our chihuahua. ????

15 Kids Drawings (20 pics)

My daughter said she drew me a rainbow heart... then handed me this.

16 Kids Drawings (20 pics)

Toddler just drew on my macbook

17 Kids Drawings (20 pics)

My friend's kid drew these. I think he's pretty clever.

18 Kids Drawings (20 pics)

My 4 y/o drew this and asked us to guess what it was... After much snickering and wrong guesses, he finally announced that it was, in fact, a "stripey penis."

19 Kids Drawings (20 pics)


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