What's Inside These Presents? (19 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 13 Jan, 2022  |
  • Views: 1206  |
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This is a drone for my dad in the shape of a ten gallon hat.

1 What's Inside These Presents? (19 pics)

Took longer than I care to admit. But I successfully wrapped a gift card!

2 What's Inside These Presents? (19 pics)

2016 Umbrella Disguise

3 What's Inside These Presents? (19 pics)


4 What's Inside These Presents? (19 pics)

My dad ALWAYS guesses his Christmas gift before he opens it. Think he'll know he's getting wrenches?

5 What's Inside These Presents? (19 pics)

We're doing misleading wraps? This is my favorite from many years ago... it's towels for the mother-in-law.

6 What's Inside These Presents? (19 pics)

How I wrapped a pack of mints for my nephew...

7 What's Inside These Presents? (19 pics)

Made a custom box for my wife's Christmas present. A necklace with her and the kids birthstones.

8 What's Inside These Presents? (19 pics)

I used wrapping paper to make a bike for my girlfriend

9 What's Inside These Presents? (19 pics)

How else would you wrap a Board Game?

10 What's Inside These Presents? (19 pics)

I bought my sister a shirt for Christmas.

11 What's Inside These Presents? (19 pics)

I wonder if my daughter will figure it out ????

12 What's Inside These Presents? (19 pics)

How else do you gift an assortment of candy bars?

13 What's Inside These Presents? (19 pics)

My friend wrapped up a toilet plunger for our white elephant party.

14 What's Inside These Presents? (19 pics)

Framed pictures wrapped as a tank

15 What's Inside These Presents? (19 pics)

My brother asked for a ladder

16 What's Inside These Presents? (19 pics)

My daughter is obsessed with horses, but I obviously can't afford to buy her one. Bought her a gift card for riding lessons and wrapped it like this

17 What's Inside These Presents? (19 pics)

Our family has a 35+ year tradition of disguising Christmas gifts. This took over 80 hours to build.

This "cannon" is actually disguising a golf umbrella, hidden in the ramrod. The cannon is made out of cardboard, with a little foam for structural support, plus the candy cane spokes. The cannon has a remotely triggered CO2 canister hooked to a solenoid valve to launch a Christmas ornament on command.

18 What's Inside These Presents? (19 pics)


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