Funny Pictures (45 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 10 Jan, 2022  |
  • Views: 2537  |
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“My sister started crying in the shopping center so I put this over her... Now I can’t take her seriously.”

1 Funny Pictures (45 pics)

“My son decided to be me for Halloween.”

2 Funny Pictures (45 pics)

“We were hiking and my sister said, ’There’s a monster in the shadows.’”

3 Funny Pictures (45 pics)

“My uncle is out of town for a month and just got a new TV. Perfect opportunity for a little Photoshop prank. He bought it.”

4 Funny Pictures (45 pics)

“My little sister knocked on my door and I came out to this.”

5 Funny Pictures (45 pics)

“Look what I found in my latte...I love my mom’s pranks!”

6 Funny Pictures (45 pics)

“My kids have GOT TO STOP leaving their toys for me to find when I get home from work!!!”

7 Funny Pictures (45 pics)

“My dad is 65 and decided to pull a prank on my mom.”

8 Funny Pictures (45 pics)

“When my parents got married, they had to kneel at the alter and, unbeknownst to my father, his brother wrote this on the soles of his shoes.”

9 Funny Pictures (45 pics)

“Jokingly sent my mom a cutout of myself while I’m studying abroad. She seems to be entertaining herself with it.”

10 Funny Pictures (45 pics)

“My mom tried to prank the cat. He is way too smart to fall.”

11 Funny Pictures (45 pics)

“I ran out of toothpaste, so my mom got me this.”

12 Funny Pictures (45 pics)

“My daughter drew this in kindergarten. Title: ’Moms Chatting After School’”

13 Funny Pictures (45 pics)

“So, last night my dad sends me this pic...”

14 Funny Pictures (45 pics)

“In my mom’s bathroom”

15 Funny Pictures (45 pics)

“I love my dad’s sense of humor.”

16 Funny Pictures (45 pics)

“My 94-year-old great-grandma made this for me because she said it’s too cold.”

17 Funny Pictures (45 pics)

“Birthday present for my sister”

18 Funny Pictures (45 pics)

“Saw the evil queen when my daughter was napping. Couldn’t resist.”

19 Funny Pictures (45 pics)

20 Funny Pictures (45 pics)

21 Funny Pictures (45 pics)

“The guy who made this is the smartest.”

22 Funny Pictures (45 pics)

“A neighbor kept their Halloween decor up and turned it into a heartwarming holiday scene.”

23 Funny Pictures (45 pics)

“This wrapping paper I bought after going shopping without my glasses — I thought it said Merry Christmas!”

24 Funny Pictures (45 pics)

“My parents are clearly the winners of the Christmas decorations award.”

25 Funny Pictures (45 pics)

“This is how my colleagues at an OBGYN office have decorated the Christmas tree.”

26 Funny Pictures (45 pics)

“I left it at the office overnight and found it like this the next morning.”

27 Funny Pictures (45 pics)

“I was asked to make a sign for the men’s bathroom and this is what I came up with.”

28 Funny Pictures (45 pics)

“If Santa wore leggings”

29 Funny Pictures (45 pics)

“My favorite traditional Christmas decoration at my house”

30 Funny Pictures (45 pics)

“It’s my birthday today, and we only had ‘thank you’ cards in the house. My fiancé made this...”

31 Funny Pictures (45 pics)

“This is quite the grumpy pole at my university.”

32 Funny Pictures (45 pics)

“I decorated my office for the holidays today.”

33 Funny Pictures (45 pics)

“I think my neighbor is a troll.”

34 Funny Pictures (45 pics)

“I thought I had put socks on my son this morning. Turns out they were gloves. My mother-in-law sent me this.”

35 Funny Pictures (45 pics)

“I made some joke gifts for friends.”

36 Funny Pictures (45 pics)

“My friend took this picture of his dog.”

37 Funny Pictures (45 pics)

“My girl broke her tib/fib, so this is her elf on the shelf!”

38 Funny Pictures (45 pics)

“That time my niece put eyebrows on the dog because she thought she had no expressions...”

39 Funny Pictures (45 pics)

“Found this parked on my street today.”

40 Funny Pictures (45 pics)

“For the fifth year in a row, my friends and I got Christmas photos taken at our local JCPenney.”

41 Funny Pictures (45 pics)

“The cookie my daughter cut and decorated looks like it’s seen some scary things.”

42 Funny Pictures (45 pics)

“Statue of Liberty selfie. Nailed it.”

43 Funny Pictures (45 pics)

“They asked, I did.”

44 Funny Pictures (45 pics)

“My flatmate had too much time on his hands.”

45 Funny Pictures (45 pics)


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