Wholesome Moments (18 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 28 Dec, 2021  |
  • Views: 1746  |
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“He enjoys a fresh perspective!”

1 Wholesome Moments (18 pics)

“My puppy went to her new home and I was worried about how she was. Got this the next morning.”

2 Wholesome Moments (18 pics)

“The service was perfect! I would definitely be born here again.”

3 Wholesome Moments (18 pics)

“Turned my head after feeling a nudge on my foot. Thankfully, a bit of my sandwich made us friends.”

4 Wholesome Moments (18 pics)

“My sweet girl’s face while getting scratches”

5 Wholesome Moments (18 pics)

6 Wholesome Moments (18 pics)

7 Wholesome Moments (18 pics)

“I took a picture of a fantastic goose but there was a pigeon right behind it that made it look like it had a unique beak.”

8 Wholesome Moments (18 pics)

9 Wholesome Moments (18 pics)

“I was over the moon to see him again. We absolutely adore this little guy!”

10 Wholesome Moments (18 pics)

"A collection of more than 200 4-leaf clovers. Seems like the luckiest person in the world."

11 Wholesome Moments (18 pics)

“I found this rock in a local park.”

12 Wholesome Moments (18 pics)

"Looks like an inverted ladybug, but that’s actually a harlequin."

13 Wholesome Moments (18 pics)

“When I stopped at the gas station, I saw this. Bought a few lotto tickets right after. Wish me luck.”

14 Wholesome Moments (18 pics)

“Came into my room today to see that my mirror had fallen off the wall. It seems fate was on my side, however.”

15 Wholesome Moments (18 pics)

“Was eating chips and dip and found a chip shaped like a heart.”

16 Wholesome Moments (18 pics)

“Got lucky this time. Try to find out why.”

17 Wholesome Moments (18 pics)

“We were casually standing, and saw this when we looked down...”

18 Wholesome Moments (18 pics)


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