People Recreate Their Old Family Photos (22 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 27 Dec, 2021  |
  • Views: 1418  |
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My friend recreated her grandmother’s picture — 69 years later.

1 People Recreate Their Old Family Photos (22 pics)

My daughter graduates HS this year, we recreated a picture of my mother back in the 1950s.

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We recreated a picture of my dad from 1978 for his 65th birthday.

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Recreated a 31-year-old photo of my dad with me at 5 weeks old. Here is me and my daughter, also at 5 weeks.

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My great-grandmother and I, 80 years apart.

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Tried recreating a pic of my grandfather. Yesterday was his, mine, and my father’s birthday.

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My boyfriend and I attempted to recreate my favorite picture of my grandparents, this was the result.

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My grandpa, my dad, and myself. Making 3 generations of wives worried sick.

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I found a picture of my grandpa and me (circa 1984) in a box while cleaning and recreated it with my children.

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My grandma in 1931 and me in 2012. Both 20 years old.

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My girlfriend and I decided to recreate a photo of my grandpa and grandma at prom.

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Recreated Polaroid of grandpa from 1977.

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Myself when I graduated from college and my grandpa around the same age.

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My grandfather and I at Machu Picchu, taken 22 years apart.

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For Mother’s Day, I helped a friend recreate a picture her mom took in the ’90s

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I (right) recreated a picture of my grandfather (left) holding the exact same trombone.

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Grandpa at East Base Antarctica 1940, on the left. Me last week, on the right.

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It’s my grandma’s 79th birthday today. Here’s her in 1949 vs Me in 2015.

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