Things Women Do Better Than Men (19 pics)

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  • 24 Dec, 2021  |
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"Enduring the ravages of long-term space flight. Women lose muscle mass slower than men. There are video examples of female astronauts walking after re-entry when their male crew members have to be carried due to muscle atrophy."

1 Things Women Do Better Than Men (19 pics)

"Better color acuity. Their sense of color is better. For example, 1 in 13 men are color blind. Whereas that number is 1 in 250 or so in women. I have a friend who is a color scientist, he consults for printing presses. He has a test for how good someone is at matching color, and he says women are in general better."

2 Things Women Do Better Than Men (19 pics)

"Women and their creep-radar…my wife is super good at spider sensing which people are weirdos at first interaction. She has been right every time."

3 Things Women Do Better Than Men (19 pics)


4 Things Women Do Better Than Men (19 pics)

"Pain tolerance. I’m a tattooer."

5 Things Women Do Better Than Men (19 pics)

"Asking for help."

6 Things Women Do Better Than Men (19 pics)

"Finding things in the fridge that men swear did not exist until that moment"

7 Things Women Do Better Than Men (19 pics)

"I think the Air Force did some research a while back and women were better able to recover from high G stress in fighter aircraft.

Also living longer. Women live longer than men in general."

8 Things Women Do Better Than Men (19 pics)

"Attention to details, when I submitted reports to my male bosses, 80% of them would say, “ah [email protected]#k it, just publish it as it is”, while 90% of my female bosses would said, “wait, this word is spelling wrong, this paragraph is out of alignment, you should use this word instead of that word, etc”."

9 Things Women Do Better Than Men (19 pics)

"Standing in the shower with the water temperature turned all the way up to liquid ##king magma. Seriously, how the ###k is it even possible."

10 Things Women Do Better Than Men (19 pics)

"Hearing the baby cry dead in a sleep, amazes me and my hearing is on point"

11 Things Women Do Better Than Men (19 pics)

"…Women make much better skydivers than men. They listen to instructions better, they’re more flexible (and skydiving is an art of air yoga) and they work through their emotions better. I’ve seen a thousand boyfriends laugh at their significant other freaking out while filling out a 14-page waver.

Guess who’s freaking out when the plane door opens at 10k feet with all that loud wind and chaos? And guess who worked through her fear on the ground and happily steps out of the plane with an excited smile? Every. Single. Time."

12 Things Women Do Better Than Men (19 pics)

"Target shooting. I worked a rifle range years ago. Plain and simple, women are more patient, don’t have a big ego, and strive for perfection. Even my most avid regulars admit women Outshoot them frequently."

13 Things Women Do Better Than Men (19 pics)

"I think women are amazing at making things more comfortable. Like whatever your room/house/car/etc. is lacking; she’ll be able to identify it and find the perfect thing to fix the problem."

14 Things Women Do Better Than Men (19 pics)

"Better senses, mainly smell and sight.

And social stuff, which can be good or bad… with great power comes great responsibility."

15 Things Women Do Better Than Men (19 pics)

"They usually have a much stronger support system. Hell, especially when out on the town and they come across a random woman who is drunk and crying about something. They circle the wagons, take them to the bathroom, and just start hyping them up. They have those one-night best friends.

It’s some type of unwritten law for women to immediately bond with a sad, drunk, woman stranger in need of a friend or a safe group. It’s quite nice to see!"

16 Things Women Do Better Than Men (19 pics)

"Rock climbing. They tend to have greater technical skill over men."

17 Things Women Do Better Than Men (19 pics)

"According to my mother, accounting. She’s been working as an accountant for about 20 years now. I didn’t ask directly, but from what she mentioned about her workplace, most of her colleagues are also women.

She says it’s because women are much better when it comes to small details. Also because of being better at finding small details, women are better at finding stuff in a box/drawer/wardrobe/room. Where man has to shift his focus from one thing to another, a woman has a wider view."

18 Things Women Do Better Than Men (19 pics)

"Talking about their feelings and what’s bothering them. My Gf has been teaching me this the past couple of years."

19 Things Women Do Better Than Men (19 pics)

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