Bad Designs (23 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 23 Dec, 2021  |
  • Views: 1612  |
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1 Bad Designs (23 pics)

The dog is supposed look like it’s running...

2 Bad Designs (23 pics)

3 Bad Designs (23 pics)

"This handicap parking space found in Germany."

4 Bad Designs (23 pics)

"Rubber duckies that float upside down."

5 Bad Designs (23 pics)

"It finally happened to me. I found a carpeted bathroom."

6 Bad Designs (23 pics)

7 Bad Designs (23 pics)

8 Bad Designs (23 pics)

"The ashtrays in this bar that melt."

9 Bad Designs (23 pics)

10 Bad Designs (23 pics)

"The real estate agent is always watching."

11 Bad Designs (23 pics)

"Which floor am I on?"

12 Bad Designs (23 pics)

13 Bad Designs (23 pics)

14 Bad Designs (23 pics)

"Bedsheets that look constantly like you wet them."

15 Bad Designs (23 pics)

"Yellow as a container color for gallons of drinking water."

16 Bad Designs (23 pics)

17 Bad Designs (23 pics)

18 Bad Designs (23 pics)

19 Bad Designs (23 pics)

20 Bad Designs (23 pics)

21 Bad Designs (23 pics)

22 Bad Designs (23 pics)

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