A Bit Weird And Funny (17 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 24 Dec, 2021  |
  • Views: 2947  |
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’’So, my dog met Santa Claus.’’

1 A Bit Weird And Funny (17 pics)

’’I thought I had put socks on my son this morning. Turns out they were gloves.’’

2 A Bit Weird And Funny (17 pics)

’’My little sister was complaining about wanting to swim but having no pool. I found her in the backyard like this.’’

3 A Bit Weird And Funny (17 pics)

’’My boyfriend went to a store. His dog stared at me like this the whole time. He didn’t move or blink for 4 minutes.’’

4 A Bit Weird And Funny (17 pics)

’’My Ring camera detected movement in my apartment.’’

5 A Bit Weird And Funny (17 pics)

’’My kid is going places.’’

6 A Bit Weird And Funny (17 pics)

’’This is my 12-year-old nephew doing his homework.’’

7 A Bit Weird And Funny (17 pics)

’’While waiting to get gas at my local gas station.’’

8 A Bit Weird And Funny (17 pics)

’’My boyfriend’s sleeping position screams, ’’I’m fabulous’."

9 A Bit Weird And Funny (17 pics)

’’My dogs don’t understand how to use their dog house.’’

10 A Bit Weird And Funny (17 pics)

’’Today I found out that my co-worker sleeps with his eyes open.’’

11 A Bit Weird And Funny (17 pics)

’’I think my daughter just told my dog something he wasn’t prepared to hear.’’

12 A Bit Weird And Funny (17 pics)

’’I ordered a baby shower cake and got this.’’

13 A Bit Weird And Funny (17 pics)

’’My 8-week-old golden retriever looking like a roasted turkey.’’

14 A Bit Weird And Funny (17 pics)

’’How my dog likes to sit at football games with my dad.’’

15 A Bit Weird And Funny (17 pics)

’’My son asked if he can make himself a hotdog for a snack after school. This is what he made.’’

16 A Bit Weird And Funny (17 pics)

’’My buddy went to the bathroom and his dog claimed his wife as his own.’’

17 A Bit Weird And Funny (17 pics)


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