Is It Matrix? (28 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 17 Dec, 2021  |
  • Views: 2206  |
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My friend’s dad is at a Santa convention, for people who play Santa during Christmas. This is during breakfast at the hotel.

1 Is It Matrix? (28 pics)

Little brother went to get his vaccine, ran into himself from the future

2 Is It Matrix? (28 pics)

Twinsies! (Our grandson is convinced my husband really is Shaggy)

3 Is It Matrix? (28 pics)

This woman has a tattoo on her shoulder that is the exact same as the design on this guys shirt.

4 Is It Matrix? (28 pics)

Two separate couples are matching indirectly.

5 Is It Matrix? (28 pics)

Met my doppelgänger (right) at a concert. Even had on the same shoes

6 Is It Matrix? (28 pics)

I am on the train and those two ladies look the same but they don’t know each other at all... freaky

7 Is It Matrix? (28 pics)

Time Travel at Costco

8 Is It Matrix? (28 pics)

Dude spawned twice for his route.

9 Is It Matrix? (28 pics)

A glitch in the matrix

10 Is It Matrix? (28 pics)

The one day my son didn't wear his blue Eddie Bauer puffy jacket from Costco to the playground

11 Is It Matrix? (28 pics)

Since we are doing doppelgangers, figured I'd share mine I met at Calgary stampede this year

12 Is It Matrix? (28 pics)

Walking around my town... She met her nemesis!

13 Is It Matrix? (28 pics)

I'm the one of the left, the guy on the right was someone I randomly bumped into in a burger king sitting behind me. I think I was about 15-17 at the time

14 Is It Matrix? (28 pics)

This handicapped sign is broken in a way that it suits my disability.

15 Is It Matrix? (28 pics)

My buddy was wearing the same shirt as a woman at the bar. She left and was replaced about an hour later by another man wearing the same shirt.

16 Is It Matrix? (28 pics)

Met my twin at a hockey game

17 Is It Matrix? (28 pics)

I found my doppelganger at work.

18 Is It Matrix? (28 pics)

Since 1981, Key West, FL has held an Ernest Hemingway lookalike contest

19 Is It Matrix? (28 pics)

They told me I would find myself in Thailand

20 Is It Matrix? (28 pics)

21 Is It Matrix? (28 pics)

This glitch in the matrix

22 Is It Matrix? (28 pics)

My cousin’s kid looks like Sal.

23 Is It Matrix? (28 pics)

There are two identical-looking people sleeping on the subway

24 Is It Matrix? (28 pics)

The guy is playing for both teams, and still watching it from the grandstand.

25 Is It Matrix? (28 pics)

Planetary alignment 2018

26 Is It Matrix? (28 pics)

I found my doppelganger on a T-Shirt... and sent him one in return!

27 Is It Matrix? (28 pics)


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№1 Author: HappyJohn9000 (27 Dec 2021 03:41) Total user comments: 81

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Was in San Antonio for a biz expo with coworker. While touring The Alamo, talked to him about some display. It was his twin: 6-foot-2, 370 pounds, bald, wearing a dress shirt and sweater vest. Burst out laughing while trying to excuse myself for the error.

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