Things That Will Detect Your Age (19 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 17 Dec, 2021  |
  • Views: 5182  |
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"Watching MTV when it was considered cool when I was in senior high."

1 Things That Will Detect Your Age (19 pics)

"Orange rugrats VHS tape"

2 Things That Will Detect Your Age (19 pics)

"First system introduced – The Magnavox Odyssey (Pong)

First system given as a gift – SEGA Master System"

3 Things That Will Detect Your Age (19 pics)

"Old enough to be alive for the fall of the Berlin Wall but not enough to remember it."

4 Things That Will Detect Your Age (19 pics)

"I opened Nesquik tins with a spoon."

5 Things That Will Detect Your Age (19 pics)

"I’m old enough to remember my Dad calling me into the house to watch Neil Armstrong walk on the moon. That’s old, kids."

6 Things That Will Detect Your Age (19 pics)

"I am “I couldn’t check AOL because someone was using the phone” years old!"

7 Things That Will Detect Your Age (19 pics)

"In kindergarten, my class was taken outside to watch a space shuttle take off. Then quickly brought back inside once it blew up."

8 Things That Will Detect Your Age (19 pics)

"I’m about half way there."

9 Things That Will Detect Your Age (19 pics)

"I can remember when Amazon only sold books."

10 Things That Will Detect Your Age (19 pics)

"Gaming wise, it was Prince of Persia, Duke Nukem, Doom, Holden Axe and Ski Free.

Grunge was cool. We listened to it on a walkman. Sometimes some @$$hole walked around with a boombox on his shoulder."

11 Things That Will Detect Your Age (19 pics)

"When I was 15, we went to our church on New Year’s Eve to collect batteries and flashlights because they didn’t know what was going to happen when the clocks changed at midnight. Some people thought the worlds computer systems were going to crash"

12 Things That Will Detect Your Age (19 pics)

"I remember watching OJ trying to escape in his Bronco. Also, I still have my Blockbuster card."

13 Things That Will Detect Your Age (19 pics)

"I remember when McDonald’s had ashtrays."

14 Things That Will Detect Your Age (19 pics)

"What’s my age again by blink 182"

15 Things That Will Detect Your Age (19 pics)

"George Orwell wrote a book about the year I graduated from high school."

16 Things That Will Detect Your Age (19 pics)

"Growing up with a Nintendo 64. Everyone in school was using MSN. Tamagotchi was popular."

17 Things That Will Detect Your Age (19 pics)

"Grew up watching Sesame Street on a black and white TV"

18 Things That Will Detect Your Age (19 pics)

"My biggest fear was my favorite cassette tape getting tangled in the tape deck. The sound I would dread the most would be skwidlerlplelrkblerk as the tape tangles and stretched!"

19 Things That Will Detect Your Age (19 pics)


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