Talented People (19 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 10 Dec, 2021  |
  • Views: 4513  |
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“Went a bit mad putting in the details. Took me 3.5 weeks to finish this painting.”

1 Talented People (19 pics)

“I ’grow’ copper on my clay jewelry with electricity.”

2 Talented People (19 pics)

“A tree armlet that I made with copper wire and a labradorite gemstone. It took me about 2 hours.”

3 Talented People (19 pics)

“I made a gingerbread version of my family’s house.”

4 Talented People (19 pics)

“This fall-themed charcuterie board my mom and I made.”

5 Talented People (19 pics)

“A commission I completed recently!”

6 Talented People (19 pics)

“Lego table I made for my living room.”

7 Talented People (19 pics)

“My mom bakes my son’s birthday cake every year and decorates it based on his parties’ theme. This year was bigfoot!”

8 Talented People (19 pics)

“My 11-year-old kiddo doing what she loves. She’s been working on this one since this afternoon.”

9 Talented People (19 pics)

“I did Hocus Pocus nails today. All hand painted.”

10 Talented People (19 pics)

“Things I make from avocado pits.”

11 Talented People (19 pics)

“My sister and I worked together to try to win her dorm pumpkin carving competition.”

12 Talented People (19 pics)

“I fashioned a Homer Simpson out of wood and stuck it in my bush.”

13 Talented People (19 pics)

“I painted on an old hand mirror.”

14 Talented People (19 pics)

“I just landed my first solo exhibition as a professional artist!”

15 Talented People (19 pics)

“Awesome dining table I made.”

16 Talented People (19 pics)

“Really proud of this little pup I made out of wool, hope you like it!”

17 Talented People (19 pics)

“I drew Hokusai’s The Great Wave artwork on my room wall 2.5×2.5 meters.”

18 Talented People (19 pics)

“A handful of miniature ceramic watermelephants I have been working on recently.”

19 Talented People (19 pics)


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