Annoying Things (25 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 9 Dec, 2021  |
  • Views: 2489  |
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"I work as a Valet.. told him he had to park it himself ."

1 Annoying Things (25 pics)

"My neighbor's garage upsets me."

2 Annoying Things (25 pics)

Chickens died for this, bro...

3 Annoying Things (25 pics)

"My pizza after I was forced to slam the brakes by a guy who cut me off, sending my pizza to the floor."

4 Annoying Things (25 pics)

"Visiting my sister’s house, went for some M&Ms and discovered she’s Satan."

5 Annoying Things (25 pics)

"My pizza shaped playing cards aren’t in perfect eighths."

6 Annoying Things (25 pics)

"This burger is 35% Air."

7 Annoying Things (25 pics)

"The design inside this perfectly clean mug."

8 Annoying Things (25 pics)

When the butter does this.

9 Annoying Things (25 pics)

"Pretty speckled candy canes I thought. Once you remove the wrapper, they're actually quite boring."

10 Annoying Things (25 pics)

"The holes on this red pepper flake shaker aren't big enough to let red pepper flakes out."

11 Annoying Things (25 pics)

"Went into a store and saw this BMW taking two spaces. Came back out. Watched her load her car, and leave her cart like this."

12 Annoying Things (25 pics)

"They put a wooden lid above the plastic one to make it seem more eco friendly."

13 Annoying Things (25 pics)

"My girlfriend takes the toilet paper out of the holder to use it, then when she puts it back, she put it the WRONG way. I'm tired of telling her the same thing."

14 Annoying Things (25 pics)


15 Annoying Things (25 pics)

"When someone blocks the intersection for the duration of the greenlight."

16 Annoying Things (25 pics)

"This door placement"

17 Annoying Things (25 pics)

The archway over this house’s front door...

18 Annoying Things (25 pics)

"So my hellofresh meal came with 8 carrots, all individually wrapped."

19 Annoying Things (25 pics)

"5 PM, Rush Hour. At least 3 cars are waiting to get to an open pump. These 2 have been done pumping gas and have been holding a causal conversation for 8 minutes now..."

20 Annoying Things (25 pics)

21 Annoying Things (25 pics)

"Found on Facebook, people who use laptops as a coaster are the worst."

22 Annoying Things (25 pics)

"How my girlfriend eats frosted cake."

23 Annoying Things (25 pics)

"Just take 1 minute out to arrange this."

24 Annoying Things (25 pics)

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№1 Author: CASIO (10 Dec 2021 23:13) Total user comments: 287

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24) someone missed the joke and a lot of good music as well

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