Amazing Things (21 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 8 Dec, 2021  |
  • Views: 1773  |
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I had a quadruple mini-banana this morning.

1 Amazing Things (21 pics)

This golf ball inside a log I found.

2 Amazing Things (21 pics)

This tree looks like Batman taking a selfie.

3 Amazing Things (21 pics)

My pepper looks like a fist.

4 Amazing Things (21 pics)

I found a very small frog.

5 Amazing Things (21 pics)

A tree stump that looks like a screaming soul.

6 Amazing Things (21 pics)

This unusual sign I found in the woods.

7 Amazing Things (21 pics)

Unusual tap in my hospital room.

8 Amazing Things (21 pics)

Morning frost surviving sunrise by hiding in shadows at the school playground.

9 Amazing Things (21 pics)

This banana has no curvature.

10 Amazing Things (21 pics)

Printed a Sisyphus statue to push my TP up a shelf for all eternity.

11 Amazing Things (21 pics)

This urinal has a mini-game.

12 Amazing Things (21 pics)

The tiny armrest I had on my flight.

13 Amazing Things (21 pics)

I found a traffic light man with shoes on.

14 Amazing Things (21 pics)

Someone has been knitting bird legs for all the street signs in my town.

15 Amazing Things (21 pics)

Water froze in my fire-pit cover and made this wreath!

16 Amazing Things (21 pics)

Not just a drawing, but a pillow contrast drawing.

17 Amazing Things (21 pics)

It could’ve been an ordinary letter if they didn’t send it 8 times on the same day.

18 Amazing Things (21 pics)

A wombat’s fingers look almost like a human’s hand.

19 Amazing Things (21 pics)


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