Unusual Photos (24 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 7 Dec, 2021  |
  • Views: 2071  |
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"I can see my reflection in this picture of my cat."

1 Unusual Photos (24 pics)

"I cut my quesadilla perfectly today."

2 Unusual Photos (24 pics)

"100+ Year old Clam from the Great Barrier Reef."

3 Unusual Photos (24 pics)

"My thanksgiving host has a grey toilet."

4 Unusual Photos (24 pics)

"I found a $20 bill and its serial number says BOOB69."

5 Unusual Photos (24 pics)

"This cabin on top of a silo. Oldham County, Kentucky."

6 Unusual Photos (24 pics)

"Found this old taco bell sign in Georgia."

7 Unusual Photos (24 pics)

"My cockatiel made friends with a cardinal through a window."

8 Unusual Photos (24 pics)

"My cats toe bean looks like a nose."

9 Unusual Photos (24 pics)

"I made a necklace from a rib I had removed."

10 Unusual Photos (24 pics)

"There was a bag of tiny dice inside my bar of soap."

11 Unusual Photos (24 pics)

"Tiny Octopus I Found Inside a Seashell!"

12 Unusual Photos (24 pics)

"My glass measuring cup melted in the microwave."

13 Unusual Photos (24 pics)

"This Walgreens is in an old bank."

14 Unusual Photos (24 pics)

"I bought a $14K staircase today and it came with a little example model."

15 Unusual Photos (24 pics)

"My oven shows the time that you started cooking incase you didn’t set a timer."

16 Unusual Photos (24 pics)

"Our cranberry jelly has a dent."

17 Unusual Photos (24 pics)

"My aunt has this birthday calendar, names on disks using hooks."

18 Unusual Photos (24 pics)

"This pub has cushions above the urinals that drunk guests can rest their heads against while they pee."

19 Unusual Photos (24 pics)

"This insanely large mussel."

20 Unusual Photos (24 pics)

"My kid’s doctor gave me a packet that’s stapled without using a staple."

21 Unusual Photos (24 pics)

"My 3lb bag of Starbursts contained no lemon Starbursts."

22 Unusual Photos (24 pics)

"This decorative cover for a pointy roof."

23 Unusual Photos (24 pics)

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