Accidental Camouflage (15 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 7 Dec, 2021  |
  • Views: 1615  |
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"They simply don’t care that someone wants to sit there."

1 Accidental Camouflage (15 pics)

“We’re getting a new kitchen countertop soon. Making sandwiches will be easier.”

2 Accidental Camouflage (15 pics)

“Took me a minute to find my bag last night.”

3 Accidental Camouflage (15 pics)

“A friend thought they lost their wallet — found it magnetized to their car.”

4 Accidental Camouflage (15 pics)

“Couldn’t find my shirt in the hotel room.”

5 Accidental Camouflage (15 pics)

“I lost this ring a couple of years ago...found it when I was about to replace my monitor!”

6 Accidental Camouflage (15 pics)

“Put a couple of my 3 color desert camouflage uniforms in the sand and they blended in pretty well!”

7 Accidental Camouflage (15 pics)

“Phone camo in the studio”

8 Accidental Camouflage (15 pics)

“My year-old Muji pen that I thought was lost yesterday.”

9 Accidental Camouflage (15 pics)

“A long-lost AirPod in my vacuum”

10 Accidental Camouflage (15 pics)

“We couldn’t find the iPhone for a minute or 2.”

11 Accidental Camouflage (15 pics)

“Couldn’t find the cork after it flew out of the bottle.”

12 Accidental Camouflage (15 pics)

“Shhh, I’m a branch.”

13 Accidental Camouflage (15 pics)

"Cats are also easy to lose. Try to spot one."

14 Accidental Camouflage (15 pics)

"Try to find another furry pet."

15 Accidental Camouflage (15 pics)


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