Deep Cleaning (22 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 2 Dec, 2021  |
  • Views: 1848  |
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The way my $5 thrift store coffee pot cleaned up.

1 Deep Cleaning (22 pics)

Got the manure spreader all washed up today.

2 Deep Cleaning (22 pics)

Cleaning a platinum ring that hasn’t been cleaned for 20+ years.

3 Deep Cleaning (22 pics)

I cleaned my deck chairs.

4 Deep Cleaning (22 pics)

First time cleaning it in 13 years.

5 Deep Cleaning (22 pics)

A motorcycle boot getting cleaned up.

6 Deep Cleaning (22 pics)

I cleaned my coffee mug today. Great result!

7 Deep Cleaning (22 pics)

I cleaned a very hairy car today.

8 Deep Cleaning (22 pics)

I bought a pressure washer to try and clean things up.

9 Deep Cleaning (22 pics)

Before/after of a property I cleaned up today.

10 Deep Cleaning (22 pics)

I was too depressed to clean until I went on medication.

11 Deep Cleaning (22 pics)

I scrubbed a ceiling rose clean with a toothbrush whilst renovating a house.

12 Deep Cleaning (22 pics)

I forgot that the table is made of transparent glass.

13 Deep Cleaning (22 pics)

Thick mildew on brick, one of the hardest jobs I've done actually. Before and after.

14 Deep Cleaning (22 pics)

I power-washed my driveway after 5 years of buildup.

15 Deep Cleaning (22 pics)

My wife cleaned the knobs off of the old cabinets in our basement.

16 Deep Cleaning (22 pics)

Before and after photos of pressure washing the stone wall in front of my house.

17 Deep Cleaning (22 pics)

The before, during, and after of a grill at work.

18 Deep Cleaning (22 pics)

Picked up this old concrete park table as a freebie. Had to take the power cleaner to it.

19 Deep Cleaning (22 pics)


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