Real Prank (22 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 25 Nov, 2021  |
  • Views: 2299  |
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“I have a tendency to wrap misleading presents”

1 Real Prank (22 pics)

“My friend somehow snuck a picture of himself onto my car’s side mirror.”

2 Real Prank (22 pics)

"The jelly drawer. A classic."

3 Real Prank (22 pics)

“I covered my friend’s car with 1000 nerf darts for his morning carpool.”

4 Real Prank (22 pics)

“Perfect prank: When your friend secretly uses a picture of your face to make tee-shirts and donates a ton of them to local thrift stores.”

5 Real Prank (22 pics)

“Friends decided to pull a prank on me while I was in class. Thought I’d share the suffering”

6 Real Prank (22 pics)

“I am the only one in the building today. Someone pranked me and scared me to death”

7 Real Prank (22 pics)

“Reddit inspired me to start wrapping presents in misleading shapes. This is a drone for my dad in the shape of a 10 gallon hat.”

8 Real Prank (22 pics)

“Glitter Bomb Birthday prank card (First concept)”

9 Real Prank (22 pics)

“Water Bead Desk Prank — Post Honeymoon”

10 Real Prank (22 pics)

“My wife’s turn to cook tonight, thought I’d try to prevent another ‘Cajun’ dish.”

11 Real Prank (22 pics)

“Hi I’m Clippy, your office assistant!!!”

12 Real Prank (22 pics)

“Left this 3D printed glow in the dark masterpiece on my wife’s pillow. Also, on a related note, sleeping on the couch tonight.”

13 Real Prank (22 pics)

“Practical joke for a friend”

14 Real Prank (22 pics)

“Real sign at a new development in Denver”

15 Real Prank (22 pics)

“Friend’s husband played a prank on her..”

16 Real Prank (22 pics)

“April Fool’s prank at work”

17 Real Prank (22 pics)

“They tracked my husband down at the Renaissance Faire. Impressive.”

18 Real Prank (22 pics)

“Someone had fun at Walmart.”

19 Real Prank (22 pics)

“April Fools Prank”

20 Real Prank (22 pics)

“Our family has a 35+ year tradition of disguising Christmas gifts. This took over 80 hours to build.”

21 Real Prank (22 pics)

“My parents drove almost an hour out of their way to prank me after I pranked their cars over Thanksgiving weekend.”

22 Real Prank (22 pics)


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