Clever Designs (20 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 25 Nov, 2021  |
  • Views: 3553  |
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The classic red checkered pattern of the tablecloth from this restaurant is made of QR codes for their menu.

1 Clever Designs (20 pics)

The bathroom I’m using has toilet paper holders with built-in radios in each stall.

2 Clever Designs (20 pics)

A hospital sink is operated with clever knee apparatus instead of hand knobs.

3 Clever Designs (20 pics)

Periodic table shelving in a university lab

4 Clever Designs (20 pics)

A measuring tape/leveler/notepad with pen

5 Clever Designs (20 pics)

Doritos-flavored Lay’s

6 Clever Designs (20 pics)

This little pin and hole in a urinal at the Amsterdam Airport

7 Clever Designs (20 pics)

This food truck’s propane tanks look like ketchup and mustard bottles.

8 Clever Designs (20 pics)

This clever open/closed sign.

9 Clever Designs (20 pics)

Neighbors turned a lawn chair into a porta-potty

10 Clever Designs (20 pics)

The dishwasher at my parents projects the remaining time on the floor below

11 Clever Designs (20 pics)

Pedestrian crossing light depicting 2 lovers, Taiwan

12 Clever Designs (20 pics)

The way my hotel displays the room numbers

13 Clever Designs (20 pics)

This genius water bottle cap that I’ve never seen before

14 Clever Designs (20 pics)

This flexible bollard won‘t ruin your day if you back into it with your car.

15 Clever Designs (20 pics)

New downward-tilting toilets are designed to become unbearable to sit on after 5 minutes to improve employee productivity.

16 Clever Designs (20 pics)

The drain is right under the soap dispenser so it doesn’t stain the sink.

17 Clever Designs (20 pics)

A good design for a portable charger

18 Clever Designs (20 pics)

These parking meters have creative shadows.

19 Clever Designs (20 pics)

№1 Author: styopa (25 Nov 2021 08:35) Total user comments: 1538

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18) good thing nobody ever gets their shoes wet.

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