Unusual Things (22 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 24 Nov, 2021  |
  • Views: 4118  |
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These large pumpkins I saw on the freeway

1 Unusual Things (22 pics)

Bit into a wonderful surprise today and learned about the delicious Lucy Glo apple!

2 Unusual Things (22 pics)

This rock with fossilized shells I found in the middle of a forest in upstate New York.

3 Unusual Things (22 pics)

Just a tree that seems to look back at you.

4 Unusual Things (22 pics)

This peanut looks like a duck.

5 Unusual Things (22 pics)

I found this Bear’s Head Tooth Fungus on my morning walk.

6 Unusual Things (22 pics)

A church in Bruges with a rainbow behind it!

7 Unusual Things (22 pics)


8 Unusual Things (22 pics)

Joey balancing ma on its nose

9 Unusual Things (22 pics)

A mushroom with its cute baby mushroom on top

10 Unusual Things (22 pics)

Found old expired tube of Bondo cream hardener, which cracked open upon slight pressure. This was what I discovered inside.

11 Unusual Things (22 pics)

My dad sent me this picture of the sunset he saw at work and told me that he is proud of it.

12 Unusual Things (22 pics)

What the head of a snake looks like in freshly shed snake skin.

13 Unusual Things (22 pics)

Found this spider hammock made of leaves at the bus stop.

14 Unusual Things (22 pics)

Found a pumpkin-shaped grape today.

15 Unusual Things (22 pics)

The water looks deep and crystal clear but actually it’s just too dirty to see into at all.

16 Unusual Things (22 pics)

Would you like a spider with that?

17 Unusual Things (22 pics)

A beautiful and rare shot of the sky

18 Unusual Things (22 pics)

These tunnels were dug by a Giant Ground Sloth that lived 10.000 years ago in Brazil.

19 Unusual Things (22 pics)


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