Almost Nailed It (40 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 17 Nov, 2021  |
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“This convenience store wear path”

1 Almost Nailed It (40 pics)

“Saw this flatbed hauling a crazy coupe this morning.”

2 Almost Nailed It (40 pics)

“They ’moved’ my bike to work on the street light.”

3 Almost Nailed It (40 pics)

“This bootleg Thanos snapping with the wrong hand”

4 Almost Nailed It (40 pics)

“My sister’s school spelled ’school’ wrong on the spine of the yearbook.”

5 Almost Nailed It (40 pics)

“In my new deck, I got these 2 cards that were mildly printed wrong.”

6 Almost Nailed It (40 pics)

“This Fanta is in the wrong colored bottle.”

7 Almost Nailed It (40 pics)

8 Almost Nailed It (40 pics)

“When you order a pizza during finals week in a college town”

9 Almost Nailed It (40 pics)

“Mario’s mustache is on the wrong side of his nose.”

10 Almost Nailed It (40 pics)

“One of the fortunes from dinner”

11 Almost Nailed It (40 pics)

“The family tree on this life insurance card makes no sense.”

12 Almost Nailed It (40 pics)

“This car is using the wrong part of the cancer ribbon magnet.”

13 Almost Nailed It (40 pics)

“This men’s room has the ’men’ label on the outside, but when viewed when leaving, it appears that you’ve walked into the wrong room.”

14 Almost Nailed It (40 pics)

“My twin nieces looking scary! They always do this if I leave my computer for 5 seconds...”

15 Almost Nailed It (40 pics)

“The baby on the left is a doll from our parenting class. The baby on the right is our daughter.”

16 Almost Nailed It (40 pics)

17 Almost Nailed It (40 pics)

“My neighbor bought a lot of walnuts.”

18 Almost Nailed It (40 pics)

19 Almost Nailed It (40 pics)

“Speed limit in Deadhorse, Alaska”

20 Almost Nailed It (40 pics)

“It was raining today, and some of the trees were foaming.”

21 Almost Nailed It (40 pics)

22 Almost Nailed It (40 pics)

“This kid’s mini Range Rover parked on a New York City street got a parking ticket.”

23 Almost Nailed It (40 pics)

“A single rocking chair at a rural airport”

24 Almost Nailed It (40 pics)

25 Almost Nailed It (40 pics)

“Body heat making it look like little ghosts floating at the bus stop”

26 Almost Nailed It (40 pics)

27 Almost Nailed It (40 pics)

28 Almost Nailed It (40 pics)

29 Almost Nailed It (40 pics)

"Why use your driver on the fairway when you can drive the fairway?"

30 Almost Nailed It (40 pics)

"Woke up and felt like getting an air fryer tattoo."

31 Almost Nailed It (40 pics)

“My mom accidentally baked one of my vinyls”

32 Almost Nailed It (40 pics)

33 Almost Nailed It (40 pics)

34 Almost Nailed It (40 pics)

35 Almost Nailed It (40 pics)

“Been saving this blobfish tattoo for today, so ugly it’s beautiful”

36 Almost Nailed It (40 pics)

“My kids inherited my childhood toys, and my daughter only wants to play with the ‘dolls.’ Action Man is now loving the sweet life.”

37 Almost Nailed It (40 pics)

"Don’t judge a book by its cover."

38 Almost Nailed It (40 pics)

39 Almost Nailed It (40 pics)

40 Almost Nailed It (40 pics)


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№1 Author: HappyJohn9000 (17 Nov 2021 07:14) Total user comments: 81

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How does somebody "accidentally" bake a vinyl record?
№2 Author: wuggerhumphden (17 Nov 2021 10:25) Total user comments: 170

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Quote: HappyJohn9000
How does somebody "accidentally" bake a vinyl record?

By leaving it on top of an old style oil fired boiler and having a cat sleep on top of it. It's not my image but that happened to my cousin's copy of Queens greatest hits.

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