Smart Solutions (27 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 10 Nov, 2021  |
  • Views: 2406  |
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“Old sheets and fabric scraps that I turned into a remote holder — no more digging through the sheets for our lost remote!”

1 Smart Solutions (27 pics)

“My GF’s workplace had an issue with squirrels breaking into the human-sized vending machines. A clever art student made a solution.”

2 Smart Solutions (27 pics)

3 Smart Solutions (27 pics)

"There’s a warning on the mini-vending machine, reading “May Contain Nuts”."

“My ring didn’t fit anymore, so I made a necklace with 4 knots for my 4 kids.”

4 Smart Solutions (27 pics)

“First time removing wedding band after 19 years, I turned it into a necklace with a knot for each child (4) I have had since my wife placed this ring on my finger.”

“My patient’s creative solution to keep his crutches clean outside.”

5 Smart Solutions (27 pics)

“Never throw away garment hangers from the store. They have multiple uses around the home. Including a nice bag clip.”

6 Smart Solutions (27 pics)

“My town’s public library has a clever blizzard solution.”

7 Smart Solutions (27 pics)

“Started staining the deck and needed to keep the dog off the deck boards. Found a fix.”

8 Smart Solutions (27 pics)

“All the bowls were dirty but I found a classy solution for my cereal.”

9 Smart Solutions (27 pics)

“My little sister has the solution to those forever alone.”

10 Smart Solutions (27 pics)

“My local burger joint’s solution for customers who order from the cook.”

11 Smart Solutions (27 pics)

“I found a non-violent way to solve the toilet paper debate in my house.”

12 Smart Solutions (27 pics)

“They are missing their front teeth at the same time so I had an idea for Halloween: Top ’Gums’!”

13 Smart Solutions (27 pics)

“My neighbor started a ’Dog-Stick’ Library.”

14 Smart Solutions (27 pics)

“A supermarket’s quick fix to the lonely banana problem.”

15 Smart Solutions (27 pics)

“Found out what the curve on the umbrella is for.”

16 Smart Solutions (27 pics)

“One trip is all that’s needed.”

17 Smart Solutions (27 pics)

“My brother’s gaming chair”

18 Smart Solutions (27 pics)

“I fixed my car door today.”

19 Smart Solutions (27 pics)

“How I disguise my speakers in the car to avoid theft”

20 Smart Solutions (27 pics)

“My son wanted a fort. After many failed attempts with blankets, I realized a fitted sheet was perfect for our couch.”

21 Smart Solutions (27 pics)

“When traveling, always keep your shampoos in a ziplock bag for this reason.”

22 Smart Solutions (27 pics)

“A pencil pouch is a great way to keep your mask supply clean and neat in the car.”

23 Smart Solutions (27 pics)

“Taped a napkin to my hand to avoid having to drag sweaty palms across my screen.”

24 Smart Solutions (27 pics)

“A menu holder out the front of a local restaurant”

25 Smart Solutions (27 pics)

“My girlfriend put the head of a watering can on a hose.”

26 Smart Solutions (27 pics)

“Got tired of busting up my Nutri-Grain bars in my pocket. 2 bars fit perfectly in an Extra gum container.”

27 Smart Solutions (27 pics)


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