Wholesome Stories (20 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 2 Nov, 2021  |
  • Views: 1771  |
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This elderly couple working out at the gym is the most precious thing ever.

1 Wholesome Stories (20 pics)

My 7yr old daughter and her 90yr old great grandmother

2 Wholesome Stories (20 pics)

5 years of long distance courtship, 1 year of long distance marriage. Finally we're living together.

3 Wholesome Stories (20 pics)

A Family Tradition. 3 Years Running

4 Wholesome Stories (20 pics)

My grandma just got home this week from a nursing home for rehab from a hip surgery because she fell, she was away from my grandpa for about a month, and I think they missed each other. His smile is just so pure and happy, and she’s walking well for the first time in a while!

5 Wholesome Stories (20 pics)

Me and my grandad, 55 years apart, he a heart surgeon, me a neonatology fellow.

6 Wholesome Stories (20 pics)

12 years apart 100% love

7 Wholesome Stories (20 pics)

Bought my grandpa a Nintendo DS 7 years ago. at 96 years old he still plays it daily, now with his great granddaughters!

8 Wholesome Stories (20 pics)

My friend, being a typical Dad

9 Wholesome Stories (20 pics)

This is the day our daughter was declared in remission from Stage 2 liver cancer!

10 Wholesome Stories (20 pics)

My 90 year old grandfather with dementia, hugging my 4 year old son. My son ran in to hug him before he left and my grandfather who cannot remember us most days said to me as he hugged him “I really love this kid, I’m glad he’s here”. ❤️

11 Wholesome Stories (20 pics)

My grandmother with Alzheimer's seeing her great-grandson for the first time

12 Wholesome Stories (20 pics)

Not her last image, but one that makes smile. My 99 year old grandmother meeting her 16th great granddaughter (my daughter) for the first time. She passed peacefully a few hours ago. This photo is how I will remember her. Love you grandma.

13 Wholesome Stories (20 pics)

This is the first time that I have seen my grandmother in over twenty years, and the last picture I have together with her.

14 Wholesome Stories (20 pics)

This was this morning! First time without that stupid wheelchair!

15 Wholesome Stories (20 pics)

My grandma's first time riding the train since she was 18

16 Wholesome Stories (20 pics)

My grandpa’s three surviving brothers coming together 90 years later on the same farm, with the same exact bench.

17 Wholesome Stories (20 pics)

I got married last month. My wife and I thought we met for the first time in our twenties. We found out a few years later our mothers were best friends in high school. This photo was displayed at our wedding showing our actual first time meeting.

18 Wholesome Stories (20 pics)

My mother and father. Photos taken 51 years apart.

19 Wholesome Stories (20 pics)


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