Awesome Things (20 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 2 Nov, 2021  |
  • Views: 2506  |
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“My cousin is wearing a dress made out of leaves from a local designer.”

1 Awesome Things (20 pics)

“My girlfriend got me birthday cookies made to look like my cat.”

2 Awesome Things (20 pics)

"When you’re feeling like a Viking, but carrying an ordinary sword isn’t allowed"

3 Awesome Things (20 pics)

"Mario piranha plant slippers"

4 Awesome Things (20 pics)

“The tree was struck by lightning and had to be removed for safety purposes.”

5 Awesome Things (20 pics)

“We thought putting the board there would be a neat way for the students to continue enjoying it.”

“A peacock shaped door knob at my Airbnb”

6 Awesome Things (20 pics)

“Found this pan at an antique store and had to make cornbread.”

7 Awesome Things (20 pics)

“A local Kmart has a doll with Down’s syndrome.”

8 Awesome Things (20 pics)

"Forget about classic racks, this school created racks for students to put their skateboards on during the day."

9 Awesome Things (20 pics)

“Burgers that let Pokémon fans know they’ve got to catch them all!”

10 Awesome Things (20 pics)

“The tiles at the National Postal Museum”

11 Awesome Things (20 pics)

“This sugar cube shaped like a tea pot”

12 Awesome Things (20 pics)

“This McDonald’s in Japan has some pretty cool happy meal boxes.”

13 Awesome Things (20 pics)

"Fashionable accessory for the best boys who find it difficult to keep quiet sometimes..."

14 Awesome Things (20 pics)

"This might be the most interesting way to buy ice cream."

15 Awesome Things (20 pics)

"This instant ramen bed looks purrrfect."

16 Awesome Things (20 pics)

"This funny manhole cover in Japan"

17 Awesome Things (20 pics)

“This crane has a giraffe print.”

18 Awesome Things (20 pics)

"A real-life Thomas the Train in Japan"

19 Awesome Things (20 pics)

"That must be the best way to start your day!"

20 Awesome Things (20 pics)


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