Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 1 Nov, 2021  |
  • Views: 2082  |
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"And now my bedroom smells like a night club."

1 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"Ate half of my chicken burger before realizing it’s raw."

2 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"Trying to enjoy my shower at this Airbnb."

3 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"I obliterated my Xbox today when I lost my footing."

4 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"My shower was leaking so I tried to see if I could fix it. I broke it instead."

5 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"So... My brother made a "pRanK" and did this... we don't have a key."

6 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"I wanted to eat lunch at my desk. It was scorching hot so I also burned both my hands and scattered it all across the room while rushing to the sink."

7 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"My cat decided to piss on my new switch, instead of literally anywhere else."

8 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"My pizza was delivered like this after I already tipped the driver and everything."

9 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

10 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"The town my school is in has contaminated water so now no one can use the fountains. Thankfully the school is offering water bottles."

11 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"Got my magneto helmet from Amazon."

12 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"Presenting my first potato harvest from our balcony garden."

13 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"I was going to make lasagna for dinner..."

14 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"Microwave door blew up. House built one year ago."

15 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"Heavy rains last night made my wall 3-D."

16 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"Wife tried to clean my cast iron. How much alimony should I get?"

17 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"Someone drilled out the ignition barrel on my campervan."

18 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"First time trying to grow carrots from seeds. 6 months later."

19 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"I washed a blanket with my clothes and it basically disintegrated."

20 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"A living nightmare. Dropping a deuce in an empty school on a Sunday morning and realizing there is no more TP. Time to duck walk to the next stall."

21 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"Was getting to work when it looks like someone decided to give my car natural AC"

22 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"This is $4200 worth of cartilage taken out of my dogs shoulder."

23 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"I discovered a 5’ deep sinkhole in my backyard."

24 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

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