Men And Cats (22 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 27 Oct, 2021  |
  • Views: 1098  |
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“I wanted a cat. My ‘not a cat person’ boyfriend did not. We got one because it would make me happy. Guess whose cat she is.”

1 Men And Cats (22 pics)

“Bf: ‘You’re paranoid, the cat definitely doesn’t love me more.’ Bf: closes the door. Cat:”

2 Men And Cats (22 pics)

“My kitty and my husband. I’m clearly the third wheel in this relationship.”

3 Men And Cats (22 pics)

“Out of curiosity, why does my cat prefer to sit on my boyfriend’s chest and never sit on mine? I’m the one that feeds her.”

4 Men And Cats (22 pics)

“As soon as my boyfriend gets home this happens, every time.”

5 Men And Cats (22 pics)

“My cat really really really loves my boyfriend.”

6 Men And Cats (22 pics)

“They simply ignore me.”

7 Men And Cats (22 pics)

“My cat is in love with my boyfriend.”

8 Men And Cats (22 pics)

“My boys, the cat-hater and the man-hater, have finally decided they like one another.”

9 Men And Cats (22 pics)

“Because every girl is crazy about a sharp-dressed man. And cats. Especially cats.”

10 Men And Cats (22 pics)

“My boyfriend with the cat he didn’t want”

11 Men And Cats (22 pics)

“My cat recently started putting his feet on the table like he’s mimicking how my fiancé sits.”

12 Men And Cats (22 pics)

“Suddenly I feel like the third wheel.”

13 Men And Cats (22 pics)

“My super skittish and shy cat instantly bonded with my boyfriend and won’t leave his side.”

14 Men And Cats (22 pics)

“My cat likes to boop my boyfriend’s nose.”

15 Men And Cats (22 pics)

“Aries loves my husband and makes him carry him everywhere, just like a baby.”

16 Men And Cats (22 pics)

“My senior cat really loves my boyfriend!”

17 Men And Cats (22 pics)

“My husband didn’t want a cat. Now, she’s the boss of him.”

18 Men And Cats (22 pics)

“Whenever I cut my husband’s hair, Onyx always comes in, meows, and waits patiently for his daddy to be done getting his haircut.”

19 Men And Cats (22 pics)

“Penny is absolutely obsessed with my husband.”

20 Men And Cats (22 pics)

“I went away for 3 weeks, and now my cat is in love with my husband.”

21 Men And Cats (22 pics)

“My cat is trying to steal my man.”

22 Men And Cats (22 pics)


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