Cool Things (25 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 26 Oct, 2021  |
  • Views: 2610  |
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"Tools I have found walking around since the pandemic started…"

1 Cool Things (25 pics)

"I got 2 fruit rolls ups in a single wrapper."

2 Cool Things (25 pics)

"A lady who walked by me today in full crochet with purse included."

3 Cool Things (25 pics)

"I bowled in a bowling alley that's stayed nearly unchanged since 1958. Frye's Lake Lanes in Concord, NC."

4 Cool Things (25 pics)

"I snapped a photo of my dog through a window screen that looks like an old painting."

5 Cool Things (25 pics)

These leaves caught on a rock in a stream.

6 Cool Things (25 pics)

"The pub in our village is 469 years older than the USA."

7 Cool Things (25 pics)

A caiman with a different tail.

8 Cool Things (25 pics)

"While fixing my walkway, I turned over the stones to discover that a couple of them are actually old headstones."

9 Cool Things (25 pics)

"Some ghostly images left behind on this nickel that’s been trapped in my washing machine for an unknown amount of time."

10 Cool Things (25 pics)

"Took This Picture Right As My Mom Hit The Rough Part Of The Road And It Came Out Strange."

11 Cool Things (25 pics)

"Our house still has its original milk door."

12 Cool Things (25 pics)

"My local library has “binge boxes” in the film section."

13 Cool Things (25 pics)

"Archived the perfect self retaining cable wrap."

14 Cool Things (25 pics)

"My milk jug has a spot to hang a tool to slice the bag open."

15 Cool Things (25 pics)

"These ants made a neighborhood."

16 Cool Things (25 pics)

"Our local shop grows its own salads and herbs on site."

17 Cool Things (25 pics)

This pickle jar has a built in plastic basket with a stem so you can pull the pickles up to the top.

18 Cool Things (25 pics)

"My friend found this snail chilling in her Halloween decoration."

19 Cool Things (25 pics)

A gas station keypad in a town whose zip code contains only numbers 1-4.

20 Cool Things (25 pics)

"Basketball i got 5 years ago vs basketball I got today."

21 Cool Things (25 pics)

"Opened a pack of peanut M&M’s and they’re all green."

22 Cool Things (25 pics)

"Our refrigerator is supposed to make sphere ice cubes, but instead makes Death Star ice cubes."

23 Cool Things (25 pics)

"My coffee this morning looks like a good acid trip."

24 Cool Things (25 pics)

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