Bad Designs (25 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 25 Oct, 2021  |
  • Views: 2707  |
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Increase your height from 5'68 to 5'99!

1 Bad Designs (25 pics)


2 Bad Designs (25 pics)

"The light switch on this Halloween decoration makes it wobble when standing."

3 Bad Designs (25 pics)

4 Bad Designs (25 pics)

Yellow text on a yellow background!

5 Bad Designs (25 pics)

"My fridge has this indicator, to let you know the door is open... The light is hidden behind the door, when it's closed."

6 Bad Designs (25 pics)

7 Bad Designs (25 pics)

"There is only 1 toilet paper dispenser at my school bathroom and every time you have to take a dump, you must calculate the amount of paper you will use. And if you don't calculate correctly, well..."

8 Bad Designs (25 pics)

9 Bad Designs (25 pics)

10 Bad Designs (25 pics)

"Sign for a children’s dentist in my area."

11 Bad Designs (25 pics)

"This house in my neighborhood with the world's worst driveway."

12 Bad Designs (25 pics)

13 Bad Designs (25 pics)

"Hotel shower has no edges so it floods. Door has water damage..."

14 Bad Designs (25 pics)

Who wouldn’t want a ceiling that looks like it’s covered with hair?

15 Bad Designs (25 pics)

"A go sober advert... featuring people drinking alcohol."

16 Bad Designs (25 pics)

17 Bad Designs (25 pics)

18 Bad Designs (25 pics)

"I have to do a 3-day stool sample test and I’m supposed to poop into a small french-fry-basket style container."

19 Bad Designs (25 pics)

20 Bad Designs (25 pics)

""Tie Dye" design hoody just looks like grease splashes."

21 Bad Designs (25 pics)

"Can’t fit two USB adaptors for my USB-C-only Mac at the same time."

22 Bad Designs (25 pics)

"It is supposed to say Kanal tec but because the door is open it says:"

23 Bad Designs (25 pics)

"Why have a picnic table and a swing, when you can have the worst of both worlds?"

24 Bad Designs (25 pics)

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