Expectations And Reality (46 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 20 Oct, 2021  |
  • Views: 2460  |
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1 Expectations And Reality (46 pics)

2 Expectations And Reality (46 pics)

3 Expectations And Reality (46 pics)

“What I thought taking my baby outside would be like vs reality”

4 Expectations And Reality (46 pics)

5 Expectations And Reality (46 pics)

6 Expectations And Reality (46 pics)

7 Expectations And Reality (46 pics)

8 Expectations And Reality (46 pics)

9 Expectations And Reality (46 pics)

10 Expectations And Reality (46 pics)

“My son turned 1 yesterday. This was the topper to his space-themed cake.”

11 Expectations And Reality (46 pics)

12 Expectations And Reality (46 pics)

13 Expectations And Reality (46 pics)

“We were really excited to use a lime from our tree for the first time.”

14 Expectations And Reality (46 pics)

“Expectation vs reality — yup, that’s the waistband without any elastic not being able to go past my chest, lol.”

15 Expectations And Reality (46 pics)

“Dear IKEA, I think my dog enjoyed your pillow more than I ever could.”

16 Expectations And Reality (46 pics)

“I bought a scratching post for my cat.”

17 Expectations And Reality (46 pics)

18 Expectations And Reality (46 pics)

“Someone missed the day in pre-k when they went over shapes.”

19 Expectations And Reality (46 pics)

20 Expectations And Reality (46 pics)

“Platinum hair expectation vs. reality”

21 Expectations And Reality (46 pics)

“Welp... there goes her new bed.”

22 Expectations And Reality (46 pics)

“Every single grape in the bag has seeds.”

23 Expectations And Reality (46 pics)

“Found a four-leaf clover and then twist my finger... Lucky me!”

24 Expectations And Reality (46 pics)

“I have nothing to say here.”

25 Expectations And Reality (46 pics)

“Tried making rice since working from home is usually slow. Got pulled into a meeting and 3 conversations before I could add water.”

26 Expectations And Reality (46 pics)

“Just gave this little guy a bath 20 minutes ago.”

27 Expectations And Reality (46 pics)

“So I ordered some popcorn. Always check the size first!”

28 Expectations And Reality (46 pics)

“Ordered a pot/pan set after recently moving”

29 Expectations And Reality (46 pics)

“I ordered wrapping paper online, there was a mistake and now I have a massive poster of my face, I’m not even mad.”

30 Expectations And Reality (46 pics)

“Ordered this giant bra in a wrong size.”

31 Expectations And Reality (46 pics)

32 Expectations And Reality (46 pics)

"Motel was a little cramped"

33 Expectations And Reality (46 pics)

"Dog park on my apartment’s website vs IRL"

34 Expectations And Reality (46 pics)

"My husband ordered a hand painted photo of us for our anniversary. It’s humbling, to say the least."

35 Expectations And Reality (46 pics)

36 Expectations And Reality (46 pics)

37 Expectations And Reality (46 pics)

38 Expectations And Reality (46 pics)

39 Expectations And Reality (46 pics)

"This painting my Grandmother copied"

40 Expectations And Reality (46 pics)

"I've been buying Aliexpress cases for years, and only had like 3 fails. This one arrived today and it hurts the most."

41 Expectations And Reality (46 pics)

"Saw on awesome looking Halloween bulbasaur on Facebook."

42 Expectations And Reality (46 pics)

43 Expectations And Reality (46 pics)

44 Expectations And Reality (46 pics)

45 Expectations And Reality (46 pics)

46 Expectations And Reality (46 pics)


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