Comparison Matters (20 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 18 Oct, 2021  |
  • Views: 2906  |
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Mumbai man cleans 5 million kgs of trash

1 Comparison Matters (20 pics)

One day after cutting off 11 years worth of dreads

2 Comparison Matters (20 pics)

Two self portraits I drew from a mirror 10 years apart, aged 13 and 23

3 Comparison Matters (20 pics)

Nobody picked her because she was the "ugly" kitten of the litter. Just look at her now!

4 Comparison Matters (20 pics)

Is this power washing p#rn enough?

5 Comparison Matters (20 pics)

Mural in Poznan, Poland

6 Comparison Matters (20 pics)

This is the same horse 5 years apart. Gray Percherons are born black and slowly turn gray.

7 Comparison Matters (20 pics)

Two different doctors once told me I wouldn’t live to see my 40th. I was 500 pounds at the time. Today is my 40th. During that time I lost 350lbs & learned my sons hfASD ????

8 Comparison Matters (20 pics)

Me and my art, 6 years apart.

9 Comparison Matters (20 pics)

What a difference one day can make. Meet Spokey!

10 Comparison Matters (20 pics)

Someone else posted my before and after a few months ago the one everyone thought was fake because of the tattoo thing lol but here’s an updated picture of my recovery I’m 19 months clean and I’m finally starting to see the beauty in life again hope this inspires some people much love.

11 Comparison Matters (20 pics)

I took the cat off the street. Photos before and after. One month difference.

12 Comparison Matters (20 pics)

He treated me the same way at 485lbs that he does at 182lbs. Love doesn't have a size or weight limit. He saw the person I was on the inside and supported me while I made that person on the side match my outside.

13 Comparison Matters (20 pics)

Before and after she was told she was a good girl

14 Comparison Matters (20 pics)

Before and after jaw surgery.

15 Comparison Matters (20 pics)

How it started vs how its going

16 Comparison Matters (20 pics)

Wooden chair, before and after

17 Comparison Matters (20 pics)

Before and after my dog realizes I’m in the room

18 Comparison Matters (20 pics)

1930’s parquet flooring restored today!

19 Comparison Matters (20 pics)

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