Learn Something New (29 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 18 Oct, 2021  |
  • Views: 4124  |
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"More than 80 million bacteria can be exchanged during a 10 second kiss"

1 Learn Something New (29 pics)

"As of 2019, there are over half a million homeless people in the United States. There are also 17 million vacant homes."

2 Learn Something New (29 pics)

"A different version of you exists in the minds of everyone who knows you."

3 Learn Something New (29 pics)

"Nighttime is a natural state of the universe, daytime is only caused by a nearby radiating ball of flame"

4 Learn Something New (29 pics)

"1980 and 2021 are as far apart as 1980 and 1939."

5 Learn Something New (29 pics)

"If you live to become the oldest person alive, the entire human population will be replaced in your lifetime, except you."

6 Learn Something New (29 pics)

"Cruise ships are legally required to have morgues for the passengers that inevitably will die on each trip."

7 Learn Something New (29 pics)

"A single Tiger in Nepal killed 436 people in its lifetime."

8 Learn Something New (29 pics)

"Locked-in syndrome is a medical condition where you can only move your eyes while the rest of your body is paralyzed. Basically, you can be trapped in a coma like state and be aware of it."

9 Learn Something New (29 pics)

"In a government run experiment TSA did not catch 95% of the guns that went through airports"

10 Learn Something New (29 pics)

"There were once sea Scorpions the size of a great white shark."

11 Learn Something New (29 pics)

"Humans have enough bite power to bite off their own finger. The only thing that stops us is our brain's natural protection mechanism."

12 Learn Something New (29 pics)

"Hearing is the last sense to fade away before you die."

13 Learn Something New (29 pics)

"During World War II, Japan bombed China with fleas infected with the bubonic plague."

14 Learn Something New (29 pics)

"Dogs like Squeaky toys because it sounds like prey that has been frightened or injured."

15 Learn Something New (29 pics)

"Genghis Khan significantly reduced carbon in the atmosphere because he killed so many farmers where all their farms just turned back into forest."

16 Learn Something New (29 pics)

"In the Victorian era, people used to take photos of their dead relatives in lifelike positions in order to keep them as momentos. Photography was so new and expensive that this was usually the only time someone had their picture taken."

17 Learn Something New (29 pics)

"There are over 200 bodies on Mount Everest and they are used as waypoints for climbers."

18 Learn Something New (29 pics)

"In the 1930s, it was common for parents to hang their children in cages outside of their windows."

19 Learn Something New (29 pics)

"Thanks to pregnancy, the average number of skeletons in a human body is greater than one."

20 Learn Something New (29 pics)

"The picture for your funeral may have already been taken."

21 Learn Something New (29 pics)

"Over 50% of commercial pilots have admitted to falling asleep while flying a plane."

22 Learn Something New (29 pics)

"Nearly everything that we can measure on Earth is contaminated with particles of microplastic."

23 Learn Something New (29 pics)

"Cannibalism is common in Hamsters."

24 Learn Something New (29 pics)

"Your bed can have up to 10 million dust mites."

25 Learn Something New (29 pics)

"The survival rate of someone who experiences cardiac arrest outside of a hospital is 1 in 10."

26 Learn Something New (29 pics)

"Anthrax can be buried for hundreds of years and then reinfect people when the soil is disturbed."

27 Learn Something New (29 pics)

"If you live a full life, you're going to have shed over a hundred pounds of your skin."

28 Learn Something New (29 pics)

"People's general happiness peaks at age 21, and it does not come back to that level until they retire."

29 Learn Something New (29 pics)


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