Living With Children (20 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 15 Oct, 2021  |
  • Views: 1526  |
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My kid wanted to be 100 years old for her one-hundredth day of kindergarten. The last photo is her looking like a 6-year-old.

1 Living With Children (20 pics)

My friend’s baby struck this awesome pose.

2 Living With Children (20 pics)

My daughter was born at 2 a.m. today, and she gave us the okay sign.

3 Living With Children (20 pics)

Caught my kid bumpin’ fists with our eldest cat.

4 Living With Children (20 pics)

My wife has given a note to our child every day for lunch during his kindergarten year. Today, I found his note for me.

5 Living With Children (20 pics)

My kids wanted to chase the rainbow. It’s been raining for a month and we’ve not seen one until now.

6 Living With Children (20 pics)

My newborn’s stretch looks like he’s pressing himself up against glass.

7 Living With Children (20 pics)

When you get home and your kid surprises you dressed as an astronaut with space art.

8 Living With Children (20 pics)

This pure moment as one of my kids farted right when we were taking a picture

9 Living With Children (20 pics)

My kid showing Mickey Mouse Club to her puppy

10 Living With Children (20 pics)

My rainbow baby is here after 11 miscarriages.

11 Living With Children (20 pics)

My son thought this light switch would control the lights in the store.

12 Living With Children (20 pics)

The sweet face of a smiley, milk-drunk baby

13 Living With Children (20 pics)

Second day of life, and my daughter is already not impressed.

14 Living With Children (20 pics)

My daughter’s preschool had a costume party. She was the garbage truck.

15 Living With Children (20 pics)

This is my grandfather with dementia hugging my son. My grandfather can’t remember us most days, but he said to me, ’I really love this kid, I’m glad he’s here.

16 Living With Children (20 pics)

My 7-month-old son got to watch my band perform. The entire time we performed, he watched with a wide smile on his face.

17 Living With Children (20 pics)

I was cooking dinner and my daughter (4 weeks) started to cry. My son (2 years) went over and started rocking her.

18 Living With Children (20 pics)

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