Truth No One Wants To Hear (31 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 11 Oct, 2021  |
  • Views: 3532  |
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1 Truth No One Wants To Hear (31 pics)

"You aren’t a hero or even a good person just because you’re in the military"

2 Truth No One Wants To Hear (31 pics)

"Time doesn't heal wounds, it builds scar tissue."

3 Truth No One Wants To Hear (31 pics)

"Not all babies are cute."

4 Truth No One Wants To Hear (31 pics)

"You are much closer to being poor and homeless than you are to being super rich"

5 Truth No One Wants To Hear (31 pics)

"Bad people don’t always “get what they deserve”."

6 Truth No One Wants To Hear (31 pics)

"“I don't know” is a perfectly valid answer to many questions."

7 Truth No One Wants To Hear (31 pics)

"It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not weakness, that is life."

8 Truth No One Wants To Hear (31 pics)

"Some people are bad parents.

Being funny or smart doesn’t mean you’re ready to take care if a human being (maybe even multiple) for a good chunk of your life.

Please don’t get kids to fix a relationship either, I’ve seen this too much and it doesn’t work."

9 Truth No One Wants To Hear (31 pics)

"Most people genuinely do not care about you or your opinions, which is just fine"

10 Truth No One Wants To Hear (31 pics)

"No matter how likeable you may be, there are always going to be certain people who don't like you, sometimes for no particular reason."

11 Truth No One Wants To Hear (31 pics)

"Having a University degree doesn't guarantee you a job"

12 Truth No One Wants To Hear (31 pics)

"Life will never be exactly like it was before the pandemic started."

13 Truth No One Wants To Hear (31 pics)

"Friends will come and go. You will have many friends who one day you will never see again."

14 Truth No One Wants To Hear (31 pics)

"You are the main character in your life but you're just an extra in everone else's"

15 Truth No One Wants To Hear (31 pics)

"It's nice to be important but it's more important to be nice."

16 Truth No One Wants To Hear (31 pics)

"Climate change is an exponential curve and we are entering the shoulder. Natural disasters are expected to increase 8x in the next couple decades. It gets worse after that."

17 Truth No One Wants To Hear (31 pics)

"War can come to your doorstep, everything can change. No country is immune. History clearly demonstrates this."

18 Truth No One Wants To Hear (31 pics)

"Not everything happens "for a reason" or because of something you have (or have not) done.

Sometimes, things in life and the Universe go sideways and it's just your time to be caught in the crossfire."

19 Truth No One Wants To Hear (31 pics)

"If you don’t take care of your teeth when you’re young, you’ll regret it when you’re old. Brush twice a day, goddamnit."

20 Truth No One Wants To Hear (31 pics)

"You’re not special… but that’s okay because everyone is not special together."

21 Truth No One Wants To Hear (31 pics)

"There's no "health in every size". If you're over/under certain weight limit, you have a higher risk in getting sick. There's no "but-"."

22 Truth No One Wants To Hear (31 pics)

"If you’re chasing a romance or friendship… the other person doesn’t want to be with you."

23 Truth No One Wants To Hear (31 pics)

"The odds that you die tomorrow is wayyy higher than winning on that lottery ticket."

24 Truth No One Wants To Hear (31 pics)

"You won’t be young and beautiful forever."

25 Truth No One Wants To Hear (31 pics)

"That you need to stop procrastinating and get that thing you've been needing to do done already."

26 Truth No One Wants To Hear (31 pics)

"Your boyfriend/husband is always going to find other women attractive."

27 Truth No One Wants To Hear (31 pics)

"We’ll eventually be alone, so it’s either being comfortable with ourselves or being tormented by loneliness later in life"

28 Truth No One Wants To Hear (31 pics)

"Your belly button was your old mouth."

29 Truth No One Wants To Hear (31 pics)

"Life is as much unfair and unjust as it is possible for it to be"

30 Truth No One Wants To Hear (31 pics)

"Oxytocin, the “love hormone”, also increases animosity towards those you regard as “others”"

31 Truth No One Wants To Hear (31 pics)


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