Scary Things (27 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 8 Oct, 2021  |
  • Views: 2330  |
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1 Scary Things (27 pics)

Just bought a house. Found this in the basement. Sealed tight.

2 Scary Things (27 pics)

Portland man found his tires slashed, and this note on his car.

3 Scary Things (27 pics)

Artist William Utermohlen continued to paint self-portraits even as he suffered from Alzheimer's

4 Scary Things (27 pics)

5 Scary Things (27 pics)

My husband just sent me this... it was taken on his way to work this morning.

6 Scary Things (27 pics)

A soot covered spiderweb

7 Scary Things (27 pics)

The skull of Mary Magdalene (editor's note: apparently the skull isn't hers? Still f*cking creepy).

8 Scary Things (27 pics)

9 Scary Things (27 pics)

A rare mutation causing the tentacles on the octopus to branch

10 Scary Things (27 pics)

Skeleton of Russian soldier still has gear

11 Scary Things (27 pics)

12 Scary Things (27 pics)

Skeletal Cancer aftermath

13 Scary Things (27 pics)

14 Scary Things (27 pics)

Ram stabbed and killed by its own horn

15 Scary Things (27 pics)

16 Scary Things (27 pics)

A friend went for a walk the other night and saw this woman just standing on a roof

17 Scary Things (27 pics)

Perfectly preserved tattooed skin from a torso. In his will, a father left his son his chest/stomach tattoo. It was eventually donated to the museum of Edinburgh, where it remains on display to this day.

18 Scary Things (27 pics)

19 Scary Things (27 pics)

20 Scary Things (27 pics)

21 Scary Things (27 pics)

22 Scary Things (27 pics)

23 Scary Things (27 pics)

24 Scary Things (27 pics)

25 Scary Things (27 pics)

26 Scary Things (27 pics)

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