Ceiling Cats (30 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 6 Oct, 2021  |
  • Views: 1537  |
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I’m remodeling my basement and all the ceiling tiles were just removed. I found my cat like this.

1 Ceiling Cats (30 pics)

Over the last week our kitten has discovered she can climb sh*t.

2 Ceiling Cats (30 pics)

I'm a plumber working in a ceiling void under a leaking shower and I have been greeted by a curious kitty.

3 Ceiling Cats (30 pics)

I was browsing the books in this small secluded book store when I heard something above my head.

4 Ceiling Cats (30 pics)

5 Ceiling Cats (30 pics)

He has come back.

6 Ceiling Cats (30 pics)

Umbrella cat is watching you.

7 Ceiling Cats (30 pics)

My girlfriend's cat, Orange. Put him in the attic to hunt for mice and now he doesn't want to come back down.

8 Ceiling Cats (30 pics)

Shop owner installs glass ceiling so they could hang out with him while he works.

9 Ceiling Cats (30 pics)

Ceiling Cat

10 Ceiling Cats (30 pics)

Winnie got stuck in the ceiling yesterday.

11 Ceiling Cats (30 pics)

Spider Car, Spider Cat, does whatever a Spider Cat does.

12 Ceiling Cats (30 pics)

13 Ceiling Cats (30 pics)

I walked into some antique shop and saw this cat poking his head through a hole in the ceiling.

14 Ceiling Cats (30 pics)

Tent Cat

15 Ceiling Cats (30 pics)

My @$$hole cat broke a small piece of our drop ceiling tile off just so he could stick his head through it and meow incessantly while I'm trying to watch tv.

16 Ceiling Cats (30 pics)

My cat has learned to climb on the ceiling like a spider.

17 Ceiling Cats (30 pics)

18 Ceiling Cats (30 pics)

Just a cat hanging out.

19 Ceiling Cats (30 pics)

I can halp electrishun?!

20 Ceiling Cats (30 pics)

Trapped Cat

21 Ceiling Cats (30 pics)

Ceiling cat is watching you.

22 Ceiling Cats (30 pics)

23 Ceiling Cats (30 pics)

It's almost 1:30 am here, and I just found a cat in my ceiling!

24 Ceiling Cats (30 pics)

Shout out to this mofo who CRAWLED INTO THE KITCHEN CEILING on his first day home.

25 Ceiling Cats (30 pics)

I know what you did and where you hid it.

26 Ceiling Cats (30 pics)

My mom’s cat likes to get into the dropped ceiling and lay on the panels

27 Ceiling Cats (30 pics)

I spy with my little eye.

28 Ceiling Cats (30 pics)

29 Ceiling Cats (30 pics)


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