Kitchen Hacks (17 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 6 Oct, 2021  |
  • Views: 2234  |
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“Fork your Oreo so your fingers never touch the milk.”

1 Kitchen Hacks (17 pics)

“This is how I let my toast cool so one side doesn’t get soggy.”

2 Kitchen Hacks (17 pics)

“If you’re baking brownies and don’t have a small enough tray, roll up some tin foil and it works as a barrier perfectly.”

3 Kitchen Hacks (17 pics)

"This hack works for other dishes too."

4 Kitchen Hacks (17 pics)

“Stop smelly onions! Simple tip: place a paper towel under the cut end. It absorbs all the odor!”

5 Kitchen Hacks (17 pics)

“I use an apple corer to prep my roast potatoes.”

6 Kitchen Hacks (17 pics)

“For large batches of cookie dough, roll it into logs, freeze and slice off what you want, and enjoy fresh cookies anytime!”

7 Kitchen Hacks (17 pics)

“Put your cooking oil in a soy sauce container so that you can drizzle it easily.”

8 Kitchen Hacks (17 pics)

“Cut the cooking instructions from the box to save freezer space.”

9 Kitchen Hacks (17 pics)

“Secure the lid from a smaller pot with a chopstick to keep it from submerging completely.”

10 Kitchen Hacks (17 pics)

“Add a little food dye when you hard-boil eggs so there is never any question about which ones are cooked.”

11 Kitchen Hacks (17 pics)

“Use a medication syringe to measure honey for baking recipes.”

12 Kitchen Hacks (17 pics)

“Want to store some cake in a container but don’t want to dig it out later? Flip the container upside down and use the lid as the bottom.”

13 Kitchen Hacks (17 pics)

“Use your bread ends to soak up your grease.”

14 Kitchen Hacks (17 pics)

“Put a rotating tray in your fridge to make accessing stuff in the back quicker and easier.”

15 Kitchen Hacks (17 pics)

“The wife didn’t have a bundt cake pan. I thought her solution was pretty ingenious.”

16 Kitchen Hacks (17 pics)

17 Kitchen Hacks (17 pics)


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