Annoying Things (35 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 30 Sep, 2021  |
  • Views: 2969  |
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"The way my pizza got delivered the other day"

1 Annoying Things (35 pics)

"Roommate throws away dishes so he won’t have to do them (I bought all our dishes and silverware)"

2 Annoying Things (35 pics)

"My partner borrowed my car for a few days, and gave it back like this"

3 Annoying Things (35 pics)

4 Annoying Things (35 pics)

5 Annoying Things (35 pics)

6 Annoying Things (35 pics)

7 Annoying Things (35 pics)

"This toilet paper at my college (UK)"

8 Annoying Things (35 pics)

9 Annoying Things (35 pics)

10 Annoying Things (35 pics)

11 Annoying Things (35 pics)

"Pipe doesn’t touch the liquid to spray"

12 Annoying Things (35 pics)

"If only there was something to put a drink on ..."

13 Annoying Things (35 pics)

"Ordered a tool from Amazon. They sent me a bag with nothing in it. Wish I could make this up."

14 Annoying Things (35 pics)

"My fortune cookie has adverts In it"

15 Annoying Things (35 pics)

16 Annoying Things (35 pics)

"Paying over $100 for a textbook that can’t be bothered to get an editor"

17 Annoying Things (35 pics)

"How my brother cuts the watermeloon"

18 Annoying Things (35 pics)

"Netflix's idea of subtitles for foreign languages. I've definitely seen the translation of these scenes on TV..."

19 Annoying Things (35 pics)

"My 3-year-old took a single bite off the top of the bread I baked"

20 Annoying Things (35 pics)

"Let’s try this on, not buy it, and put it back with deodorant stains all over it."

21 Annoying Things (35 pics)

"Thought it was a cute mug"

22 Annoying Things (35 pics)

"This rogue sleeve in all my wedding photos"

23 Annoying Things (35 pics)

"The way my wife loaded the dishwasher"

24 Annoying Things (35 pics)

"This is what the knives at my girlfriend's house look like...this is a crime"

25 Annoying Things (35 pics)

"My kid was sent home from school with this…whaaaa???"

26 Annoying Things (35 pics)

"Pay for the plus feature"

27 Annoying Things (35 pics)

"After 17 years of my life I finally notice this in my house"

28 Annoying Things (35 pics)

"The way my roommates leave the toilet paper...."

29 Annoying Things (35 pics)

"Clueless idiots who walk down the MIDDLE of the road to their car. This has gone on for over a minute."

30 Annoying Things (35 pics)

"Just went through my unmatched sock bag. Not a single match. How can this be?"

31 Annoying Things (35 pics)

32 Annoying Things (35 pics)

"My lunatic wife cuts bananas in half and just leaves the top"

33 Annoying Things (35 pics)

"6 piece and 12 piece wings is sold out. But the 18 piece is still available."

34 Annoying Things (35 pics)

35 Annoying Things (35 pics)


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