Everything Changes (17 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 29 Sep, 2021  |
  • Views: 1495  |
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This new mother nested on my balcony flower bed when I forgot to water.

1 Everything Changes (17 pics)

I washed the dishes and failed to remove the tea leaves with melon seeds from the sink drain before leaving for the country house.

2 Everything Changes (17 pics)

When you set your car for auto start before Christmas and forget about the vehicle for a week

3 Everything Changes (17 pics)

Found this leaf on the floor of a big box store and decided to take it home. Eventually, I left it in the car for a few days, and then I brought it home and set it on top of the dryer. It started sprouting!!

4 Everything Changes (17 pics)

My favorite matcha tea! I simply forgot my coffee on the table for a week.

5 Everything Changes (17 pics)

I found this leaf a couple of months ago and left it outside with my other guys. He has started reproducing!

6 Everything Changes (17 pics)

I left a clementine on my desk for 6 months and it never got moldy.

7 Everything Changes (17 pics)

When you leave your PC at granny’s for a week

8 Everything Changes (17 pics)

A container of saltwater I left on my shelf for a month

9 Everything Changes (17 pics)

Her: “Don’t forget to blow out the candles on the balcony before you come to bed.”
Me: “I won’t.

10 Everything Changes (17 pics)

Left maple syrup sitting out on my counter in a cup for a month and it crystallized.

11 Everything Changes (17 pics)

I forgot Sprite on the table and got something mysterious and fluffy.

12 Everything Changes (17 pics)

The Coke that I left on my windowsill for 3 months has turned clear.

13 Everything Changes (17 pics)

Almost half a year ago, I forgot to remove a plate with food and grew mold in home conditions.

14 Everything Changes (17 pics)

I left my laundry on the balcony for a few days and now I found this in one of the socks. Any idea what it is?

15 Everything Changes (17 pics)

These sun-bleached gloves I left on my dash since last winter

16 Everything Changes (17 pics)


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