Annoying Things (19 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 23 Sep, 2021  |
  • Views: 1749  |
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My wife cuts bananas in half and just leaves the tops.

1 Annoying Things (19 pics)

Looks like someone decided to clean a mirror with a steel sponge or something before I moved in.

2 Annoying Things (19 pics)

My mom made this medium-rare sour bread.

3 Annoying Things (19 pics)

My brother does the dishes and watches YouTube at the same time (his phone is not waterproof).

4 Annoying Things (19 pics)

This kid took a SINGLE bite out of ALL the apples.

5 Annoying Things (19 pics)

How my dad cuts the cake

6 Annoying Things (19 pics)

Coworkers do this to my dry erase markers.

7 Annoying Things (19 pics)

My neighbors just throw trash out of their window.

8 Annoying Things (19 pics)

Someone drew with a marker on the wall of an almost 600-year-old castle to promote their Instagram and Snapchat account.

9 Annoying Things (19 pics)

This is how my wife loads the dishwasher.

10 Annoying Things (19 pics)

Was at a friend’s house and this abomination caught my eye.

11 Annoying Things (19 pics)

Instead of rinsing his cup between drinks, my boyfriend will just refill it with whatever since it ’mixes in his stomach anyway.’ This is his glass of ’water’ after milk and Oreos.

12 Annoying Things (19 pics)

My in-laws use a little off every single roll of toilet paper instead of one at a time.

13 Annoying Things (19 pics)

My roommate broke the toilet seat. No worries though, he replaced it.

14 Annoying Things (19 pics)

Someone keeps using my bike as a trash bin.

15 Annoying Things (19 pics)

My research supervisor’s way of writing ’D’ on tubes

16 Annoying Things (19 pics)

My roommate throws away dishes so he won’t have to do them (I bought all our dishes and silverware).

17 Annoying Things (19 pics)

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