Inside Common Things (20 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 21 Sep, 2021  |
  • Views: 2734  |
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“This is what the inside of a Rubik’s cube looks like after a kid destroys it.”

1 Inside Common Things (20 pics)

"All of this was inside a baseball."

2 Inside Common Things (20 pics)

"It’s unexpected to find a piece of an old toothpaste box in a phone case."

3 Inside Common Things (20 pics)

"This BIC lighter has a smaller BIC lighter inside of it."

4 Inside Common Things (20 pics)

“My dog’s fitness pig toy had a buff pig inside!”

5 Inside Common Things (20 pics)

"What the inside of a gas pump looks like"

6 Inside Common Things (20 pics)

“The inside of my daughter’s snap bracelet is from a tape measure.”

7 Inside Common Things (20 pics)

"A toothpaste pack"

8 Inside Common Things (20 pics)

"Ever wonder what the inside of a tape dispenser looks like?"

9 Inside Common Things (20 pics)

"USB cable"

10 Inside Common Things (20 pics)

“One of my chess knights broke and revealed a dice hidden inside it.”

11 Inside Common Things (20 pics)

"A cross-section of a whale rib"

12 Inside Common Things (20 pics)

“Well, they aren’t wrong. What’s inside the platypus dog toy?”

13 Inside Common Things (20 pics)

"This cactus on the inside"

14 Inside Common Things (20 pics)

“A while back, I worked with traffic signals and had a few people ask me what the inside looked like.”

15 Inside Common Things (20 pics)

"The inside of this tropical pitcher plant looks like a QR code."

16 Inside Common Things (20 pics)

“This shell I found that looks just like a coconut”

17 Inside Common Things (20 pics)

"A spring ring jewelry clasp"

18 Inside Common Things (20 pics)

“This is what a guitar looks like on the inside, my latest build.”

19 Inside Common Things (20 pics)

“My wife had been checking if she was pregnant, and she bought a digital test.”

20 Inside Common Things (20 pics)


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