Annoying Roommates (20 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 3 Sep, 2021  |
  • Views: 2117  |
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My roommate throws all of his garbage in a corner because he wants to “recycle it” later

1 Annoying Roommates (20 pics)

It’s a small thing but really? I spent so long cleaning this kitchen :(

2 Annoying Roommates (20 pics)

Not even the worst it's been. Just annoying bc I cleaned the stove last night before bed and woke up to this

3 Annoying Roommates (20 pics)

This is my roommate’s aquarium filter. It smells worse than it looks.

4 Annoying Roommates (20 pics)

Roommate decided it was a good idea to put an incense cone on the lid of my telescope. Went right through and landed on the mirror

5 Annoying Roommates (20 pics)

Roommate and her loser boyfriend left this for us after making three am chili. Thanks! All dishes were previously cleaned.

6 Annoying Roommates (20 pics)

My new roommate takes eggs out at random

7 Annoying Roommates (20 pics)

I didn't know this was a problem growing up in a house with 3 men and 1 mother. Now that I live in a house with 3 women...

8 Annoying Roommates (20 pics)

My in-laws (who live with us) leave a trail of open cabinets, doors, windows, food containers, you name it, in their wake. Not even an automatic garbage can lid can escape their sociopathic behavior.

9 Annoying Roommates (20 pics)

I don’t know what’s worse, the fact that my dishwasher sucks or the fact that my roommate of 3 years still refuses to rinse his sh*t before putting it in the dishwasher (all of these came out of the same load of “clean” dishes)

10 Annoying Roommates (20 pics)

There is a psycho living in my house and idk who it is

11 Annoying Roommates (20 pics)

I live with monsters...

12 Annoying Roommates (20 pics)

Roomy just moved in. No prior relationship. Day one and all he’s unpacked is this. Making me a little skeptical... do I address it?

13 Annoying Roommates (20 pics)

I’m living with monsters

14 Annoying Roommates (20 pics)

Roommate used my favorite turtleneck as a BBQ rag last night :-/

15 Annoying Roommates (20 pics)

Roommate knocked over my $1000 bike that was on a kickstand in the garage and just kept driving over it.

16 Annoying Roommates (20 pics)

I live with two grown men. Just tell me why.

17 Annoying Roommates (20 pics)

Caught my roommate making a "cheese wrapped pickle"

18 Annoying Roommates (20 pics)

Y’all wanna see my ex-roommates air fryer?

19 Annoying Roommates (20 pics)


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