Funny Wildlife Photography (35 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 2 Sep, 2021  |
  • Views: 1404  |
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Go enjoy the pond they said. It will be fun they said.

1 Funny Wildlife Photography (35 pics)

Just a friendly Hello.

2 Funny Wildlife Photography (35 pics)

This, my friends... is how I almost pooped my pants this morning.

3 Funny Wildlife Photography (35 pics)


4 Funny Wildlife Photography (35 pics)

Manatee off my dock! I think they're lovely.

5 Funny Wildlife Photography (35 pics)

I was investigating if there were rats in a property. The answer was 'Yes'.

6 Funny Wildlife Photography (35 pics)

This spicy road bump forced me to take the time out of my day to scooch him across the road. He paid me back by attempting to amputate a finger for free.

7 Funny Wildlife Photography (35 pics)

The bee on the other side of this glass seemed worthy of a close up.

8 Funny Wildlife Photography (35 pics)

A rarely seen two-headed seagull.

9 Funny Wildlife Photography (35 pics)

Fawn had the zoomies.

10 Funny Wildlife Photography (35 pics)

I think this bird outgrew his pants.

11 Funny Wildlife Photography (35 pics)

What did he say?

12 Funny Wildlife Photography (35 pics)

This cicada's major life event happened on our living room curtains.

13 Funny Wildlife Photography (35 pics)

This is the shortest giraffe in Africa. It was a privilege to get a pictures of it.

14 Funny Wildlife Photography (35 pics)

Hey, Mr. Krabs! Don't steal my $10.

15 Funny Wildlife Photography (35 pics)

This sad toad was stuck, but he sure is a cutie. I was able to gently pry him free after taking this pic.

16 Funny Wildlife Photography (35 pics)

This is the proper technique for airing out your privies.

17 Funny Wildlife Photography (35 pics)

Gratuitous duck butt.

18 Funny Wildlife Photography (35 pics)

Flipped the yard light on at 4 AM and found these two playing hide and seek.

19 Funny Wildlife Photography (35 pics)

Behold the 4-eye brown fish owl. My uncle shot this unique species in Hong Kong.

20 Funny Wildlife Photography (35 pics)

A rare sighting of the junk-mail mouse.

21 Funny Wildlife Photography (35 pics)

Look at these gams!

22 Funny Wildlife Photography (35 pics)

Somebody doesn't like where I put the security cam.

23 Funny Wildlife Photography (35 pics)

May I present our new office mascot.

24 Funny Wildlife Photography (35 pics)

Possum checking out the bouquet of my rose.

25 Funny Wildlife Photography (35 pics)

My son and his surprise friend.

26 Funny Wildlife Photography (35 pics)

Please take a moment to score this dismount.

27 Funny Wildlife Photography (35 pics)

Exactly what I was going for.

28 Funny Wildlife Photography (35 pics)

Almost... but not quite.

29 Funny Wildlife Photography (35 pics)

These little guys zoomed in from all the way across the field.

30 Funny Wildlife Photography (35 pics)

Am I doing this right?

31 Funny Wildlife Photography (35 pics)

I had a new bird at the feeder tonight. Can anyone help me identify it?

32 Funny Wildlife Photography (35 pics)

33 Funny Wildlife Photography (35 pics)

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