Funny Grandmas And Grandpas (20 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 31 Aug, 2021  |
  • Views: 986  |
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My mother made a Facebook account and this was her first message to me:

1 Funny Grandmas And Grandpas (20 pics)

My dad likes reading so I got him a Kindle for is birthday. He's using it as a bookmark.

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My grandpa asked why the trail mix tasted so bad...

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4 Funny Grandmas And Grandpas (20 pics)

My uncle using his flashlight to brighten up my dads iPad screen

5 Funny Grandmas And Grandpas (20 pics)

My grandfather got this tie for free in the 90's and wears it to every passover seder

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I told my grandpa that I wanted to build my own computer while we were talking over the phone, a week later this came in the mail

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My grandparents were waiting for each other at the mall.

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Tough choice on the background...

9 Funny Grandmas And Grandpas (20 pics)

Set up my Mom’s updated tv system yesterday.

10 Funny Grandmas And Grandpas (20 pics)

Trying to explain to the 70 year old Swiss man who offered to take our pic that his finger was covering the lens

11 Funny Grandmas And Grandpas (20 pics)

My grandma thought this was a cross so she hung it up. I decided not to correct her

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My wife's grandpa is unsubscribing from Facebook

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Me: "Grandma, I'd like to take a picture of us." ~activate front facing camera~ Grandma: "Oh that's a very nice picture, when is that from?" Me: "That's us right now."

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My grandma, an avid gardener, has been wearing this mask for weeks. The checkout lady at the store today explained it to her

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Haven‘t found my fisheye lens for weeks. My mom used it as a clipper

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17 Funny Grandmas And Grandpas (20 pics)

My grandma knows I’m an Uber driver but doesn’t know how it works. She got me this planner and wrote “thought this would be good for your Uber appt’s” She's beyond precious.

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19 Funny Grandmas And Grandpas (20 pics)

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