Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 1 Sep, 2021  |
  • Views: 2825  |
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"Son decided to swallow a nickel and turn $.05 into $4400.00."

1 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"Me and my mom failed to notice our car keys and bag hanging on the chair when we gorilla glued the top piece of the chair back on."

2 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

Angry Ex.

3 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

Every single concert when you're short.

4 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"Some poor kid’s croc and sock jammed in the escalator. They were fine luckily."

5 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"A jar of saffron broke inside my car."

6 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"I’ve been saving this free game coupon since before the pandemic."

7 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"I've travelled abroad and brought my drone to record it, hiked to the top of this hill and realize that I forgot the batteries at home."

8 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"Got to my apartment from work during a rainy day to find a roof leak right over my laptop..."

9 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)


10 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"My dog launched her foot off my unopened drink on her way out the car."

11 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"Someone’s going to be *pissed* when they get home…"

12 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"Tempered glass lid shattered, giving me Schrodinger's Stir-Fry."

13 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"My new Sharpie highlighter came with no ink."

14 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"Someone’s in for a rough afternoon."

15 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"My sunflower in the front of my house finally bloomed for the world to see."

16 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"I guess I didn’t need whole cookies?"

17 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"My uncles 115yo boat, currently sitting on some rocks and leaking fuel after the anchor snapped."

18 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"It's ok, I don't need lunch."

19 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"My wife tossed a pile of laundry into the dryer. Along with a brand new box of 500 dryer sheets…"

20 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"Wedding party I went to decided to light fireworks inside a warehouse type building with no proper ventilation which caused people to leave soon after."

21 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"Flew 13 hours to Hawaii to see Volcanoes National Park."

22 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

"Dog ate 100 dollars after I fell asleep."

23 Bad Days Happen (25 pics)

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