Try To Guess Their Age (15 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 25 Aug, 2021  |
  • Views: 2030  |
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“Is she 46 years old or 4.6 years old?”

1 Try To Guess Their Age (15 pics)

“Me, in eighth grade, 1983 — collar up because I was cool, even with those huge glasses.”

2 Try To Guess Their Age (15 pics)

“A friend of mine during her confirmation ceremony at 14 years old — she looks like a 35-year-old secretary.”

3 Try To Guess Their Age (15 pics)

“A pregnant 5-year-old?”

4 Try To Guess Their Age (15 pics)

“Somehow, I looked like a sad middle-aged librarian when I was 12.”

5 Try To Guess Their Age (15 pics)

“The face says 13, and the figure says 45-year-old construction worker.”

6 Try To Guess Their Age (15 pics)

“Me (31) with my wife (32) and 4 our kids — people always ask if the kids are my siblings.”

7 Try To Guess Their Age (15 pics)

“I’ve been in the Marines for 12 years as of yesterday, and I’m in my thirties.”

8 Try To Guess Their Age (15 pics)

“This is my first month vs my most recent month in the Marines.”

“Me at 33, looking like a 16-year-old who just got their driver’s license”

9 Try To Guess Their Age (15 pics)

“This is me when I was 16.”

10 Try To Guess Their Age (15 pics)

“A picture of me from 2009 — I was 18.”

11 Try To Guess Their Age (15 pics)

“All dressed up for my fifth-grade graduation...”

12 Try To Guess Their Age (15 pics)

“16 or 60?”

13 Try To Guess Their Age (15 pics)

“A 13-year-old learning guitar or a 30-year-old rocker?”

14 Try To Guess Their Age (15 pics)

“Me at 12 going on 30-year-old news anchor...”

15 Try To Guess Their Age (15 pics)


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