Random Coincidences (19 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 19 Aug, 2021  |
  • Views: 2241  |
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“She’s excited because she matches her new blankie.”

1 Random Coincidences (19 pics)

"A Hugh Jackman doppelgänger in a photo from 1906, taken in Kassel, Germany (far left)"

2 Random Coincidences (19 pics)

“A customer came in today with a tattoo of our turtles, Sam & Ella!”

3 Random Coincidences (19 pics)

“Bubbles formed in the shape of a skull in my skull-themed pint glass.”

4 Random Coincidences (19 pics)

“I was trying to take a picture of the guy in the costume and a person wearing the opposite colors walked into the frame.”

5 Random Coincidences (19 pics)

“On our walk today, we met 2 dogs that are identical to ours.”

6 Random Coincidences (19 pics)

“Took a picture of some rainbow buildings while in a taxi, didn’t notice the perfectly timed rainbow bus driving next to us until after!”

7 Random Coincidences (19 pics)

“These 2 old Dodge Caravans swapped doors.”

8 Random Coincidences (19 pics)

“Saw a knight in the park the other day.”

9 Random Coincidences (19 pics)

“Rainbow vine on a wall”

10 Random Coincidences (19 pics)

“Just noticed that the wall painting in my room lines up with an outside tree branch from a certain angle.”

11 Random Coincidences (19 pics)

“This heart-shaped stone I found on the beach”

12 Random Coincidences (19 pics)

“The shoes’ colors match the display shelf.”

13 Random Coincidences (19 pics)

“My cat’s paws make a heart when she puts them together.”

14 Random Coincidences (19 pics)

“My Oreo filling looks like the Pepsi logo.”

15 Random Coincidences (19 pics)

“My chicken matches my book cover.”

16 Random Coincidences (19 pics)

“This tomato I cut had a peace sign in it.”

17 Random Coincidences (19 pics)

“My dog matches the dog on this box.”

18 Random Coincidences (19 pics)

“Pokémon Go’s sun is in the exact position as the real sun.”

19 Random Coincidences (19 pics)


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