Optical Illusions (32 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 17 Aug, 2021  |
  • Views: 1932  |
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1 Optical Illusions (32 pics)

Can you tell if the circles are moving or still?

2 Optical Illusions (32 pics)

3 Optical Illusions (32 pics)

Can you tell which of the 2 yellow lines is longer?

4 Optical Illusions (32 pics)

5 Optical Illusions (32 pics)

Do you think these diagonal lines are parallel to each other?

6 Optical Illusions (32 pics)

7 Optical Illusions (32 pics)

What about the red lines in this image — are they straight or curved?

8 Optical Illusions (32 pics)

9 Optical Illusions (32 pics)

Can you tell which rectangle is darker?

10 Optical Illusions (32 pics)

11 Optical Illusions (32 pics)

How many colored spheres can you see here?

12 Optical Illusions (32 pics)

13 Optical Illusions (32 pics)

And which of these orange circles is larger?

14 Optical Illusions (32 pics)

15 Optical Illusions (32 pics)

Can you tell which animal is hiding here?

16 Optical Illusions (32 pics)

17 Optical Illusions (32 pics)

How many points do you think this trident has?

18 Optical Illusions (32 pics)

19 Optical Illusions (32 pics)

The task here is simple: Follow this spiral from beginning to end.

20 Optical Illusions (32 pics)

21 Optical Illusions (32 pics)

Which of the lines is longer?

22 Optical Illusions (32 pics)

23 Optical Illusions (32 pics)

Can you tell if this image is 3D?

24 Optical Illusions (32 pics)

25 Optical Illusions (32 pics)

Can you count all the black dots in this image?

26 Optical Illusions (32 pics)

27 Optical Illusions (32 pics)

What color are these shapes?

28 Optical Illusions (32 pics)

29 Optical Illusions (32 pics)

Welcome to an Ames room. Nothing is impossible here. Which of these 2 people do you think is taller?

30 Optical Illusions (32 pics)

31 Optical Illusions (32 pics)

Concentrate on one point of this image for at least 15 seconds. Don’t think about anything else. Keep looking. Can you see the image disappearing?

32 Optical Illusions (32 pics)

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