Awesome Things (25 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 17 Aug, 2021  |
  • Views: 2820  |
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"When I went to Switzerland and happened to look exactly like this random wood statue."

1 Awesome Things (25 pics)

"While making breakfast got four eggs in a row with two yolks each!"

2 Awesome Things (25 pics)

"I used binoculars to take this picture and it ended up looking like a planet."

3 Awesome Things (25 pics)

"Exact center seat, 3rd row from the back of the theater gets a lot of use."

4 Awesome Things (25 pics)

Somebody drew a Mona Lisa with dust accumulated on the truck box.

5 Awesome Things (25 pics)

This tombstone which only says "thank you"

6 Awesome Things (25 pics)

"These two old Dodge Caravans swapped doors."

7 Awesome Things (25 pics)

Pedestrian crossings at the Culinary Institute of America.

8 Awesome Things (25 pics)

"My grandmother's decorative "spice jars" from the 50's."

9 Awesome Things (25 pics)

Heated driveway under construction.

10 Awesome Things (25 pics)

"Found a piece of rock that looks like a steak."

11 Awesome Things (25 pics)

"This big ass leaf. Wife for scale."

12 Awesome Things (25 pics)

"Transport truck for a Bugatti in Los Angeles."

13 Awesome Things (25 pics)

"Somehow ended up behind these 2 cars at the same location a couple days apart."

14 Awesome Things (25 pics)

"This juice bottle design look like there is a lizard inside."

15 Awesome Things (25 pics)

A spiral cucumber.

16 Awesome Things (25 pics)

Sand hippo!

17 Awesome Things (25 pics)

"Sand Sculpture of a girl that I found on the beach."

18 Awesome Things (25 pics)

"My -14.75 prescription glasses."

19 Awesome Things (25 pics)

"Was cleaning a penny last night and left it in the acid overnight."

20 Awesome Things (25 pics)

"This is a truck carrying the signs you see on the interstate."

21 Awesome Things (25 pics)

What a sewer manhole looks like underground.

22 Awesome Things (25 pics)

"My buddy’s Ancient PS1 has a screen on top of it!"

23 Awesome Things (25 pics)

"My local library moved into an old grocery store."

24 Awesome Things (25 pics)

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